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 A Brief Treatise Upon Constitutional and Party Questions, and the History of Political Parties, as I Received It Orally from the Late Senator Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois
 A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States
 A Hand Book of Politics for 1868
 A Political Manual for 1866
 A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital
 A Rebel’s Recollections
 A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention, for Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the United States
 A South-Side View of Slavery
 Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Court of Massachusetts in the Year 1855
 American History Told by Contemporaries, Vol. 4
 American War Ballads and Lyrics
 Appendix to the Congressional Globe
 Artemus Ward His Book
 Black Diamonds Gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South
 Call to Kanzas
 Caucuses of 1860: A History of the National Political Conventions of the Current Presidential Campaign
 Charleston Mercury
 Congressional Globe
 Daily National Intelligencer
 First Days Amongst the Contraands
 Four Years of Fighting
 France and the Confederate Navy
 From Manassas to Appomattox
 Hardtack and Coffee, or the Unwritten Story of Army Life
 Historical and Legal Examination . . . Of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott Case
 History of the Civil War in America
 House Executive Documents
 House Reporis
 House Reports
 In War Time and Other Poems
 Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War
 Kansas; Its Interior and Exterior Life
 Life and Letters of Wilder Dwight
 Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase
 Lyrics of a Day
 Lyrics of Loyalty
 McClellan’s Own Story
 Memoirs of John Adams DIX
 Mobile Advertiser and Register
 Mosby’s War Reminiscences and Stuart’s Cavalry Campaigns
 My Diary North and South
 My Story of the War
 Negro-Slavery, No Evil
 New York Herald
 New-York Daily Tribune
 North American Review
 Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions
 Personal Memoirs
 Poems of the War
 Poetical Works
 Political Recollections
 Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies
 Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians
 Recollections of Tire Civil War
 Reminiscences of Georgia
 Reports of Decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States
 Richard Henry Dana
 Senate Executive Documents
 Senate Reports
 Songs in Many Keys
 Speeches on the American Question
 Speeches, Lectures, and Letters
 The American Conflict
 The Color-Guard
 The Englishman in Kansas; or, Squatter Life and Border Warfare
 The Genesis of the Civil War
 The Irrepressible Conflict: A Speech Delivered at Rochester
 The Life of John J. Crittenden, With Selections from His Carrespondence and Speeches
 The Narrative of a Blockade-Runner
 The New Gospel of Peace According to St. Benjamin
 The New Gospel of Peace According to St. Benjamin
 The Prostrate Slate: South Carolina Under Negro Government
 The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
 The Sanitary Commission Bulletin
 The Sherman Letters
 The Southern Poems of the War
 The Underground Railroad
 The Whip, Hoe, and Sword or the Gulf-Department in ’63
 Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army. By an Impressed New Forker
 Thirty Poems
 Three Months in the Southern Stales
 Trial of Andrew Johnson . . . Before the Senate . . . On Impeachment by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin
 What Answer?
 White and Black Under the Old Régime
 Writings and Speeches