The Battle of Austerlitz
Meanwhile the great drama was approaching its final scene,
and both sides were preparing to fight their stoutest. . . . You
will see on the map that the Goldbach brook, which rises on the
other side of the Olmütz road, falls into the small lake of Mönitz.
This stream, flowing at the bottom of a little valley with pretty
steep sides, separated the two armies. The Austro-Russian right
rested on a hanging wood in rear of the Posoritz post-house
beyond the Olmütz road; their center occupied Pratzen and the
wide plateau of that name; their left was near the pools of
Satschan and the swampy ground in their neighborhood. Napoleon
rested his left on a hillock difficult of access, to which the
Egyptian soldiers gave the name of the "Santon," because it had
on the top a little chapel with a spire like a minaret. The
French center was near the marsh of Kobelnitz, the right was at
Telnitz. But at this point the emperor had placed very few
soldiers, in order to draw the Russians on to the marshy ground,
where he had arranged to defeat them by concealing Davout’s
corps at Gross Raigern, on the Vienna road.
On the 1st of December, the day before the battle, Napoleon
left Brünn early in the morning, spent the whole day in inspecting
the positions, and in the evening fixed his headquarters in the
rear of the French center, at a point whence the view took in the
bivouacs of both sides, as well as the ground which was to be
their field of battle the next day. There was no other building
in the place than a poor barn. The emperor’s tables and maps
were placed there, and he established himself in person by an
immense fire, surrounded by his numerous staff and his guard.
Fortunately there was no snow, and, though it was very cold, I
lay on the ground and went soundly to sleep. But we were soon
obliged to remount and go the rounds with the emperor. There
was no moon, and the darkness of the night was increased by a
thick fog, which made progress very difficult. The chasseurs of
the escort had the idea of lighting torches made of pine branches
and straw, which proved very useful. The troops, seeing a group
of horsemen thus lighted come toward them, had no difficulty in
recognizing the imperial staff, and in an instant, as if by enchantment,
we could see along the whole line all our bivouac
fires lighted up by thousands of torches in the hands of the
soldiers. The cheers with which, in their enthusiasm, they
saluted Napoleon, were all the more animated for the fact that
the morrow was the anniversary of his coronation, and the coincidence
seemed of good omen. The enemy must have been a
good deal surprised when, from the top of a neighboring hill,
they saw in the middle of the night 60,000 torches lighted, and
heard a thousand times repeated the cry of "Long live the emperor"!
accompanied by the sound of the many bands of the
French regiments. In our camp all was joy, light, and movement,
while, on the side of the Austrians and Russians, all was
gloom and silence.
Next day, December 2d, the sound of cannon was heard at
daybreak. As we have seen, the emperor had shown but few
troops on his right; this was a trap for the enemy, with the view
of allowing them to capture Telnitz easily, to cross the Goldbach
there, then to go on to Gross Raigern and take possession of the
road from Brünn to Vienna, and so to cut off our retreat. The
Austrians and Russians fell into the snare perfectly, for, weakening
the rest of their line, they clumsily crowded considerable forces
into the bottom of Telnitz, and into the swampy valleys bordering
on the pools of Staschan and Mönitz. But as they imagined,
for some not very apparent reason, that Napoleon had the intention
of retreating without delivering battle, they resolved, by
way of completing their success, to attack us on our left toward
the "Santon," and also on our center before Puntowitz. By
this means our defeat would be complete when we had been
forced back on these two points, and found the road to Vienna
occupied in our rear by the Russians. As it befell, however, on
our left Marshal Lannes not only repulsed all the attacks of the
enemy upon the "Santon," but drove him back on the other side
of the Olmütz road as far as Blasiowitz. There the ground
became more level, and allowed Murat’s cavalry to execute some
brilliant charges, the results of which were of great importance,
for the Russians were driven out of hand as far as the village of
While this splendid success was being won by our left wing, the
center, consisting of the troops under Soult and Bernadotte,
which the emperor had posted at the bottom of the Goldbach
ravine, where it was concealed by a thick fog, dashed forward
toward the hill on which stands the village of Pratzen. This
was the moment when that brilliant sun of Austerlitz, the recollection
of which Napoleon so delighted to recall, burst forth in
all its splendor. Marshal Soult carried not only the village of
Pratzen, but also the vast tableland of that name, which was
the culminating point of the whole country, and consequently
the key of the battlefield. There, under the emperor’s eyes, the
sharpest of the fighting took place, and the Russians were beaten
back. But one battalion, the 4th of the line, of which Prince
Joseph, Napoleon’s brother, was colonel, allowing itself to be
carried too far in pursuit of the enemy, was charged and broken
up by the Noble Guard and Grand Duke Constantine’s cuirassiers,
losing its eagle. Several lines of Russian cavalry quickly
advanced to support this momentary success of the guards, but
Napoleon hurled against them the Mamelukes, the mounted
chasseurs, and the mounted grenadiers of his guard, under Marshal
Bessières and General Rapp. The mêlée was of the most
sanguinary kind; the Russian squadrons were crushed and
driven back beyond the village of Austerlitz with immense loss.
Our troopers captured many colors and prisoners, among the
latter Prince Repnin, commander of the Noble Guard. This
regiment, composed of the most brilliant of the young Russian
nobility, lost heavily, because the swagger in which they had
indulged against the French having come to the ears of our
soldiers, these, and above all the mounted grenadiers, attacked
them with fury, shouting as they passed their great sabers
through their bodies: "We will give the ladies of St. Petersburg
something to cry for"!. . .
But to finish the account of the battle. While marshals
Lannes, Soult, and Murat, with the Imperial Guard, were beating
the right and center of the allied army, and driving them back
beyond the village of Austerlitz, the enemy’s left, falling into the
trap laid by Napoleon when he made a show of keeping close to
the pools, threw itself on the village of Telnitz, captured it, and,
crossing the Goldbach, prepared to occupy the road to Vienna.
But the enemy had taken a false prognostic of Napoleon’s genius
when they supposed him capable of committing such a blunder
as to leave undefended a road by which, in the event of disaster,
his retreat was secured; for our right was guarded by the divisions
under Davout, concealed in the rear in the little town of
Gross Reigen. From this point Davout fell upon the allies at
the moment when he saw their masses entangled in the defiles
between the lakes of Telnitz and Mönitz, and the stream.
The emperor, whom we left on the plateau of Pratzen, having
freed himself from the enemy’s right and center, which were in
flight on the other side of Austerlitz, descended from the heights
of Pratzen with a force of all arms, including Soult’s corps and
his guard, and went with speed toward Telnitz, and took the enemy’s
columns in rear at the moment when Davout was attacking
in front. At once the heavy masses of Austrians and Russians,
packed on the narrow roadways which lead beside the
Goldbach brook, finding themselves between two fires, fell into
an indescribable confusion. All ranks were mixed up together,
and each sought to save himself by flight. Some hurled themselves
headlong into the marshes which border the pools, but
our infantry followed them there. Others hoped to escape by
the road that lies between the two pools; our cavalry charged
them, and the butchery was frightful. Lastly, the greater part
of the enemy, chiefly Russians, sought to pass over the ice.
It was very thick, and five or six thousand men, keeping some
kind of order, had reached the middle of the Satschan lake, when
Napoleon, calling up the artillery of his guard, gave the order to
fire on the ice. It broke at countless points, and a mighty
cracking was heard. The water, oozing through the fissures,
soon covered the floes, and we saw thousands of Russians, with
their horses, guns, and wagons, slowly settle down into the
depths. It was a horribly majestic spectacle which I shall never
forget. In an instant the surface of the lake was covered with
everything that could swim. Men and horses struggled in the
water amongst the floes. Some — a very small number — succeeded
in saving themselves by the help of poles and ropes, which
our soldiers reached to them from the shore, but the greater part
were drowned.
The number of combatants at the emperor’s disposal in this
battle was 68,000 men; that of the allied army amounted to
82,000 men. Our loss in killed and wounded was about 8,000
men; our enemies admitted that theirs, in killed, wounded, and
drowned, reached 14,000. We had made 18,000 prisoners,
captured 150 guns, and a great quantity of standards and colors.
1 Marbot, , vol. i, pp. 195–201.