Leisler’s Rebellion

I CANNOT but admire to hear that some gentlemen still have a good opinion of the late disorders committed by Captain Jacob Leisler, and his accomplices, in New York, as if they had been for his Majesty’s service, and the security of that province; and that such monstrous falsehoods do find credit….

It was about the beginning of April, 1689, when the first reports arrived at New York, that the Prince of Orange, now his present Majesty, was arrived in England with considerable forces, and that the late King James was fled into France, and that it was expected war would be soon proclaimed between England and France.

The Lieutenant Governor, Francis Nicholson, and the Council, being Protestants, resolved thereupon to suspend all Roman Catholics from command and places of trust in the government….

And because but three members of the council were residing in New York,. . . It was resolved by the said Lieutenant Governor and Council, to call and convene to their assistance all the Justices of the Peace, and other civil magistrates, and the Commission Officers in the province, for to consult and advise with them what might be proper for the preservation of the peace, and the safety of said province in that conjuncture, till orders should arrive from England.

Whereupon the said justices, magistrates and officers were accordingly convened, and styled by the name of The General Convention for the Province of New York; and all matters of government were carried on and managed by the major vote of that convention.

And in the first place it was by them agreed and ordered, forthwith to fortify the city of New York….

But against expectation, it soon happened, that on the last day of said month of May, Captain Leisler having a vessel with some wines in the road, for which he refused to pay the duty, did in a seditious manner stir up the meanest sort of the inhabitants (affirming that King James being fled the kingdom, all manner of government was fallen in this province) to rise in arms, and forcibly possess themselves of the fort and stores, which accordingly was effected while the Lieutenant Governor and Council, with the convention, were met at the city hall to consult what might be proper for the common good and safety; where a party of armed men came from the fort, and forced the Lieutenant Governor to deliver them the keys; and seized also in his chamber a chest with seven hundred seventy-three pounds, twelve shillings in money of the government. And though Colonel Bayard, with some others appointed by the convention, used all endeavors to prevent those disorders, all proved vain; for most of those that appeared in arms were drunk, and cried out, they disowned all manner of government. Whereupon, by Captain Leisler’s persuasion, they proclaimed him to be their commander, there being then no other commission officer among them.

Captain Leisler being in this manner possessed of the fort, took some persons to his assistance, which he called the committee of safety. And the Lieutenant Governor, Francis Nicholson being in this manner forced out of his command, for the safety of his person, which was daily threatened, withdrew out of the province….

The said Captain Leisler finding almost every man of sense, reputation or estate in the place to oppose and discourage his irregularities, caused frequent false alarms to be made, and sent several parties of his armed men out of the fort, dragged into nasty jails within said fort several of the principal magistrates, officers and gentlemen, and others, that would not own his power to be lawful, which he kept in close prison during will and pleasure, without any process, or allowing them to bail. And he further published several times, by beat of drums, that all those who would not come into the fort and sign their hands, and so thereby to own his power to be lawful, should be deemed and esteemed as enemies to his Majesty and the country, and be by him treated accordingly. By which means many of the inhabitants, though they abhored his actions, only to escape a nasty jail, and to secure their estates, were by fear and compulsion drove to comply, submit and sign to whatever he commanded.

Upon the 10th of December following returned the said Mr. John Riggs from England, with letters from his Majesty and the Lords, in answer to the letters sent by the Lieutenant Governor and Council above recited, directed to our trusty and well-beloved Francis Nicholson, Esq; our Lieutenant Governor and commander in chief of our province of New York in America, and in his absence to such as for the time being, take care for the preservation of the peace, and administering the laws in our said province….

Soon after the receipt of said letters said Captain Leisler styled himself Lieutenant Governor, appointed a council, and presumed further to call a select number of his own party, who called themselves the general assembly of the province, and by their advice and assistance raised several taxes and great sums of money from their Majesty’s good subjects within this province. Which taxes, together with that 7731. 12s. in money, which he had seized from the Government, and the whole revenue, he applied to his own use, and to maintain said disorders, allowing his private men 18d. per day, and to others proportionably.

On the 20th of January following Colonel Bayard and Mr. Nicolls had the ill fortune to fall into his hands, and were in a barbarous manner, by a party in arms, dragged into the fort, and there put into a nasty place, without any manner of process, or being allowed to bail….

None in the province, but those of his faction, had any safety in their estates; for said Captain Leisler, at will and pleasure, sent to those who disapproved of his actions, to furnish him with money, provisions, and what else he wanted, and upon denial, sent armed men out of the fort, and forcibly broke open several houses, shops, cellars, vessels, and other places, where they expected to be supplied, and without any the least payment or satisfaction, carried their plunder to the fort….

In this calamity, misery and confusion was this province, by those disorders, enthralled near the space of two years, until the arrival of his Majesty’s forces, under the command of Major Ingoldsby, who, with several gentlemen of the council, arrived about the last day of January, 1690, which said gentlemen of the council, for the preservation of the peace, sent and offered to said Leisler, that he might stay and continue his command in the fort, only desiring for themselves and the King’s forces quietly to quarter and refresh themselves in the city, till Governor Slaughter should arrive; but…. the said Leisler proceeded to make war against them and the King’s forces, and fired a vast number of great and small shot in the city, whereby several of his Majesty’s subjects were killed and wounded as they passed in the streets upon their lawful occasions, though no opposition was made on the other side.

At this height of extremity was it when Governor Slaughter arrived on the 19th of March, 1691, who having published his commission from the city hall, with great signs of joy, by firing all the artillery within and round the city, sent thrice to demand the surrender of the fort from Captain Leisler and his accomplices, which was thrice denied, but upon great threatenings, the following day surrendered to Governor Slaughter, who forthwith caused the said Captain Leisler, with some of the chief malefactors to be bound over to answer their crimes at the next Supreme Court of Judicature, where the said Leisler and his pretended Secretary Miliborn did appear, but refused to plead to the indictment of the grand jury, or to own the jurisdiction of that court; and so after several hearings, as mutes, were found guilty of high treason and murder, and executed accordingly….