

Papers relating to comparative and systematic zoology and the organization of the individual


Leonardo da VINCI. From The note books of Leonardo da Vinci; arr. and tr. by E. Mac-Curdy, New York, 1939; by permission of Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., publisher.

Nature of Muscles. The tendons of the muscles are of greater or less length as a man’s fleshy excrescence is greater or less. And in leanness the fleshy excrescence always recedes towards the point at which it starts from the fleshy part. And as it puts on fat it extends towards the beginning of its tendon. ... The end of each muscle becomes transformed into tendon, which binds the joint of the bone, to which this muscle is attached. . . .

The number of the tendons which successively one above the other cover each other and all together cover and bind the joint of the bones to which they are joined, is as great as the number of the muscles which meet in the same joint. ... These muscles have a voluntary and an involuntary movement seeing that they are those which open and shut the lung. When they open they suspend their function which is to contract, for the ribs which at first were drawn up and compressed by the contracting of these muscles then remain at liberty and resume their natural distance as the breast expands. And since there is no vacuum in nature the lung which touches the ribs from within must necessarily follow their expansion; and the lung therefore opening like a pair of bellows draws in the air in order to fill the space so formed. ...

In all the parts where man has to work with greater effort nature has made the muscles and tendons of greater thickness and breadth. ... With the muscles it happens almost universally that they do not move the limb where they are fixed but move that where the tendon that starts from the muscle is joined, except that which raises and moves the side in order to help respiration.

All these muscles serve to raise the ribs and as they raise the ribs they dilate the chest, and as the chest becomes dilated the lung is expanded, and the expansion of the lung is the indrawing of the air which enters by the mouth into this lung as it enlarges. ...

If any muscle whatsoever be drawn out lengthwise a slight force will break its fleshy tissue; and if the nerves of sensation be drawn out lengthwise slight power tears them from the muscles where their ramification weaves them together and spreads and consumes itself; and one sees the same process enacted with the sinewy covering of the veins and arteries which are mingled with these muscles. What is therefore the cause of so great a force of arms and legs which is seen in the actions of any animal whatsoever? One cannot say other than that it is the skin which clothes them; and that when the nerves of sensation thicken the muscles these muscles contract and draw after them the tendons in which their extremities become converted; and in this process of thickening they fill out the skin and make it drawn and hard; and it cannot be lengthened out unless the muscles become thinner; and not becoming thinner they are a cause of resistance and of making strong the before mentioned skin, in which the swollen muscles perform the function of a wedge. ...

Changes of the arteries, hepatic veins, and abdominal organs in the old. The artery and the vein which in the old extend between the spleen and the liver, acquire so great a thickness of skin that it contracts the passage of the blood that comes from the mesaraic veins, through which this blood passes over to the liver and the heart and the two greater veins, and as a consequence through the whole body; and apart from the thickening of the skin these veins grow in length and twist themselves after the manner of a snake, and the liver loses the humour of the blood which was carried there by this vein; and consequently this liver becomes dried up and grows like frozen bran both in colour and substance, so that when it is subjected even to the slightest friction this substance falls away in tiny flakes like sawdust and leaves the veins and arteries.

And the veins of the gall and of the navel which entered into this liver by the gate of the liver all remain deprived of the substance of this liver, after the manner of maize or Indian millet when their grains have been separated.

The colon and the other intestines in the old become much constricted, and I have found there stones in the veins which pass beneath the fork of the breast, which were as large as chestnuts, of the colour and shape of truffles or of dross or clinkers of iron, which stones were extremely hard, as are these clinkers, and had formed bags which were hanging to the said veins after the manner of goitres.

And this old man, a few hours before his death, told me that he had lived a hundred years, and that he did not feel any bodily ailment other than weakness, and thus while sitting upon a bed in the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova at Florence, without any movement or sign of anything amiss, he passed away from this life.

And I made an autopsy in order to ascertain the cause of so peaceful a death, and found that it proceeded from weakness through failure of blood and of the artery that feeds the heart and the other lower members, which I found to be very parched and shrunk and withered; and the result of this autopsy I wrote clown very carefully and with great ease, for the body was devoid of either fat or moisture, and these form the chief hindrance to the knowledge of its parts.

The other autopsy was on a child of two years, and here I found everything the contrary to what it was in the case of the old man.

The old who enjoy good health die through lack of sustenance. And this is brought about by the passage to the mesaraic veins becoming continually restricted by the thickening of the skin of these veins; and the process continues until it affects the capillary veins, which are the first to close up altogether; and from this it comes to pass that the old dread the cold more than young, and that those who are very old have their skin the colour of wood or of dried chestnut, because this skin is almost completely deprived of sustenance.

And this network of veins acts in man as in oranges, in which the peel becomes thicker and the pulp diminishes the more they become old. And if you say that as the blood becomes thicker it ceases to flow through the veins, this is not true, for the blood in the veins does not thicken because it continually dies and is renewed. ...

How the body of the animal continually dies and is renewed. The body of anything whatsoever that receives nourishment continually dies and is continually renewed. For the nourishment cannot enter except in those places where the preceding nourishment is exhausted, and if it is exhausted it no longer has life. Unless therefore you supply nourishment equivalent to that which has departed, the life fails in its vigour; and if you deprive it of this nourishment, the life is completely destroyed. But if you supply it with just so much as is destroyed day by day, then it renews its life just as much as it is consumed; like the light of this candle formed by the nourishment given to it by the fat of this candle, which light is also continually renewed by swiftest succour from beneath, in proportion as the upper part is consumed and dies, and in dying becomes changed from radiant light to murky smoke. And this death extends for so long as the smoke continues; and the period of duration of the smoke is the same as that of what feeds it, and in an instant the whole light dies and is entirely regenerated by the movement of that which nourishes it; and its life receives from it also its ebb and flow, as the flicker of its point serves to show us. The same process also comes to pass in the bodies of the animals by means of the beating of the heart, whereby there is produced a wave of blood in all the veins, and these are continually either enlarging or contracting, because the expansion occurs when they receive the excessive quantity of blood, and the contraction is due to the departure of the excess of blood they have received; and this the beating of the pulse teaches us, when we touch the aforesaid veins with the fingers in any part whatsoever of the living body.

But to return to our purpose, I say that the flesh of the animals is made anew by the blood which is continually produced by that which nourishes them, and that this flesh is destroyed and returns by the mesaraic arteries and passes into the intestines, where it putrifies in a foul and fetid death, as they show us in their deposits and steam like the smoke and fire which were given as a comparison. ...

On the Eye. ... How the images of any object whatsoever which pass to the eye through some aperture imprint themselves on its pupil upside down and the understanding sees them upright:

The pupil of the eye which receives through a very small round hole the images of bodies situated beyond this hole always receives them upside down and the visual faculty always sees them upright as they are. And this proceeds from the fact that the said images pass through the centre of the crystalline sphere situated in the middle of the eye; and in this centre they unite in a point and then spread themselves out upon the opposite surface of this sphere without deviating from their course; and the images direct themselves upon this surface according to the object that has caused them, and from thence they are taken by the impression and transmitted to the common sense where they are judged. ...

The pupil of the eye changes to as many different sizes as there are differences in the degrees of brightness and obscurity of the objects which present themselves before it:

In this case nature has provided for the visual faculty when it has been irritated by excessive light by contracting the pupil of the eye, and by enlarging this pupil after the manner of the mouth of a purse when it has had to endure varying degrees of darkness. And here nature works as one who having too much light in his habitation blocks up the window half-way or more or less according to the necessity, and who when the night comes throws open the whole of this window in order to see better within this habitation. Nature is here establishing a continual equilibrium, perpetually adjusting and equalising by making the pupil dilate or contract in proportion to the aforesaid obscurity or brightness which continually presents itself before it. You will see the process in the case of the nocturnal animals such as cats, screech-owls, long-eared owls and suchlike which have the pupil small at midday and very large at night. And it is the same with all land animals and those of the air and of the water but more, beyond all comparison, with the nocturnal animals.

And if you wish to make the experiment with a man look intently at the pupil of his eye while you hold a lighted candle at a little distance away and make him look at this light as you bring it nearer to him little by little, and you will then see that the nearer the light approaches to it the more the pupil will contract. ...

How the five senses are the ministers of the soul. The soul apparently resides in the seat of the judgment, and the judgment apparently resides in the place where all the senses meet, which is called the common sense; and it is not all of it in the whole body as many have believed, but it is all in this part; for if it were all in the whole, and all in every part, it would not have been necessary for the instruments of the senses to come together in concourse to one particular spot; rather would it have sufficed for the eye to register its function of perception on its surface, and not to transmit the images of the things seen to the sense by way of the optic nerves; because the soul—for the reason already given—would comprehend them upon the surface of the eye.

Similarly, with the sense of hearing, it would be sufficient merely for the voice to resound in the arched recesses of the rock-like bone which is within the ear, without there being another passage from this bone to the common sense, whereby the said mouth might address itself to the common judgment.

The sense of smell also is seen to be forced of necessity to have recourse to this same judgment.

The touch passes through the perforated tendons and is transmitted to this sense; these tendons proceed to spread out with infinite ramifications into the skin which encloses the body’s members and the bowels. The perforating tendons carry impulse and sensation to the subject limbs; these tendons passing between the muscles and the sinews dictate to these their movement, and these obey, and in the act of obeying they contract, for the reason that the swelling reduces their length and draws with it the nerves, which are interwoven amid the particles of the limbs, and being spread throughout the extremities of the fingers, they transmit to the sense the impression of what they touch.

The nerves with their muscles serve the tendons even as soldiers serve their leaders, and the tendons serve the common sense as the leaders their captain, and this common sense serves the soul as the captain serves his lord.

So therefore the articulation of the bones obeys the nerve, and the nerve the muscle, and the muscle the tendon, and the tendon the common sense, and the Common sense is the seat of the soul, and the memory is its monitor, and its faculty of receiving impressions serves as its standard of reference.

How the sense waits on the soul, and not the soul on the sense, and how where the sense that should minister to the soul is lacking, the soul in such a life lacks conception of the function of this sense, as is seen in the case of a mute or one born blind. ...

How the nerves sometimes work of themselves, without the command of other agents or of the soul:

This appears clearly for you will see how paralytics or those who are shivering or benumbed by cold move their trembling limbs such as the head or the hands without permission of the soul; which soul with all its powers cannot prevent these limbs from trembling. The same happens in the case of epilepsy or with severed limbs such as the tails of lizards.

Function of liver, bile, and intestines: The liver is the distributor and dispenser of vital nourishment to man.

The bile is the familiar or servant of the liver which sweeps away and cleans up all the dirt and superfluities left after the food has been distributed to the members by the liver.

The intestines. As to these you will understand their windings well if you inflate them. And remember that after you have made them from four aspects thus arranged you then make them from four other aspects expanded in such a way that from their spaces and openings you can understand the whole, that is, the variations of their thicknesses. ...

Contrast between the perfection of the body and the coarseness of the mind in certain men. Methinks that coarse men of bad habits and little power of reason do not deserve so fine an instrument or so great a variety of mechanism as those endowed with ideas and with great reasoning power, but merely a sack wherein their food is received, and from whence it passes away.

For in truth one can only reckon them as a passage for food; since it does not seem to me that they have anything in common with the human race except speech and shape, and in all else they are far below the level of the beasts.