Messages to Allied Leaders and to General Eisenhower on the Surrender of Germany.
May 8, 1945

To Prime Minister Churchill:

With the unconditional surrender of all the armies of Nazidom and the liberation of the oppressed people of Europe from the evils of barbarism, I wish to express to you, and through you to Britain’s heroic Army, Navy and Air Forces, our congratulations on their achievements. The Government of the United States is deeply appreciative of the splendid contribution of all the British Empire forces and of the British people to this magnificent victory. With warm affection, we hail our comrads-in-arms across the Atlantic.

To Marshal Stalin:

Now that the Nazi armies of aggression have been forced by the coordinated efforts of Soviet-Anglo-American forces to an unconditional surrender, I wish to express to you and through you to your heroic Army the appreciation and congratulations of the United States Government on its splendid contribution to the cause of civilization and liberty.

You have demonstrated in all your campaigns what it is possible to accomplish when a free people under superlative leadership and with unfailing courage rise against the forces of barbarism.

To General Eisenhower:

In recognition of the unconditional and abject surrender of the Nazi barbarians, please accept the fervent congratulations and appreciation of myself and of the American people for the heroic achievements of your Allied Army, Navy and Air Forces. By their sacrifices, skill and courage they have saved and exalted the cause of freedom throughout the world. All of us owe to you and to your men of many nations a debt beyond appraisal for their high contribution to the conquest of Naziism.

I send also my personal appreciation of the superb leadership shownby you and your commanders in directing the valiant legions of our own country and of our allies to this historic victory.

Please transmit this message to the appropriate officers of your command and publish it to all allied forces in your theaters of operation.

To General de Gaulle:

The Nazi forces of barbarian aggression having now been driven into an unconditional surrender by our allied armies, this is an appropriate time to send through you America’s congratulations to the people of France on their permanent liberation from the oppression they have endured with high courage for so long.

I wish also to send to you this expression of our appreciation of the contribution made by valiant soldiers of France to our Allied victory.