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General SummaryAFTER the death of Cato the Censor, some three quarters of a century elapsed before there came to the front the commanding personality of Cicero. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 B. C.) was the greatest orator and likewise the most eminent man of letters of his time. His place in Latin literature is as secure and unapproachable as his position among the few great statesmen whom republican Rome produced. He wrote copiously upon philosophical subjects; he conducted an extensive correspondence which throws a flood of light upon the condition of the age; and for more than thirty years he spoke constantly in the law courts, before the popular assemblies, and in the Senate. Nearly sixty of his speeches have come down to us.
Historical SummaryAfter the assassination of Cæsar in 44 B. C., a new tyrant in the person of Antony succeeded to Cæsar’s power at Rome. Though Cicero had taken no part in the plot against Cæsar, he approved of it and he now determined that Antony should not long enjoy his position of virtual dictator. As leader of the Senate, Cicero delivered during the next few months a series of fourteen orations against Antony. These orations, from their likeness to the speeches of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedonia, have always been known as Philippics. The Second Philippic is generally esteemed the masterpiece of Cicero’s eloquence. Circumstances prevented its delivery in the Senate. Cicero, however, wrote it out and circulated it among his friends. In the following passage, concluding the oration, he implores Antony not to tread in Cæsar’s footsteps. These Philippics were the last orations ever delivered by Cicero, and the last voice, as well, of republican Rome. When Antony united with Lepidus and the young Octavius in the Second Triumvirate, Cicero was one of his first victims. Hired assassins, headed by Papillius, a tribune, and Herennius, a centurion, tracked the old man to his country seat at Caieta. "A youth who had been educated by Cicero in the liberal arts and sciences . . . informed the tribune that Cicero in a litter was on his way to the sea. The tribune, taking a few with him, ran to the place where he was to come out. Cicero, perceiving Herennius running in the path, commanded his servants to set down the litter. Stroking his chin, as he used to do, with his left hand, he looked steadfastly at his murderers, his person covered with dust, his beard and hair untrimmed, and his face worn with his troubles. The greater number of those that stood by covered their faces while Herennius slew him. And thus was he murdered, stretching forth his neck out of the litter. He was in his sixty-fourth year. Herennius cut off his head, and, by Antony’s command, his hands also, by which his Philippics were written; for so Cicero styled those orations he wrote against Antony, and so they are called to this day. . . . Antony commanded that the head and hands be fastened up over the Rostra, where the orators spoke; a sight which the Roman people shuddered to behold. They believed they saw there not the face of Cicero, but the image of Antony’s own soul. Some long time after, Cæsar, I have been told, visiting one of his daughter’s sons, found him with a book of Cicero’s in his hand. The boy for fear endeavored to hide it under his gown; which Cæsar perceiving, took it from him, and, turning over a great part of the book gave it to him again, and said, ’My child, this was a great orator, and man who loved his country well.’"
89. The Second Philippic1
. . . The name of peace is sweet, the thing itself is most salutary. But between peace and slavery there is a wide difference. Peace is liberty in tranquillity; slavery is the worst of all evils — to be repelled, if need be, not only by war, but even by death. But if those deliverers of ours have taken themselves away out of our sight, still they have left behind the example of their conduct. They have done what no one else has done. Brutus pursued Tarquinius,1 who was a king when it was lawful for a king to exist in Rome. Spurius Cassius,2 Spurius Mælius,3 and Marcus Manlius4 were all slain because they were suspected of aiming at regal power. These are the first men who have ever ventured to attack, sword in hand, a man who was not aiming at regal power, but actually reigning. And their action is not only of itself a glorious and godlike exploit, but it is also one put forth for our imitation; especially since by it they have acquired such glory as appears hardly to be bounded by heaven itself. . . .
Recollect then, O Marcus Antonius, that day on which you abolished the dictatorship. Set before you the joy of the Senate and people of Rome. Compare it with this infamous market held by you and by your friends; and then you will understand how great is the difference between praise and profit. But, in truth, just as some people, through some disease which has blunted the senses, have no conception of the niceness of food, so men who are lustful, avaricious, and criminal, have no taste for true glory. But if praise can not allure you to act rightly, still can not even fear turn you away from the most shameful actions? . . .
But if you are not afraid of brave men and illustrious citizens, because they are prevented from attacking you by your armed retinue, still, believe me, your own fellows will not long endure you. And what a life it is, day and night to be fearing danger from one’s own people! Unless, indeed, you have men who are bound to you by greater kindnesses than some of those men by whom he was slain were bound to Cæsar; or unless there are points in which you can be compared with him.
In that man were combined genius, method, memory, literature, prudence, deliberation, and industry. He had performed exploits in war which, though calamitous for the republic, were nevertheless mighty deeds. Having for many years aimed at being king, he had, with great labor and much personal danger, accomplished what he intended. He had conciliated the ignorant multitude by presents, by monuments, by gifts of food, and by banquets. He had bound his own party to him by rewards, and his adversaries by the appearance of clemency. Why need I say much on such a subject? He had already brought a free city, partly by fear, partly by patience, into a habit of slavery. With him I can, indeed, compare you as to your desire to reign; but in all other respects you are in no degree to be compared with him. . . .
Consider, I beg you, Marcus Antonius, do some time or other consider the republic. Think of the family of which you are born, not of the men with whom you are living. Be reconciled to the republic. However, do you decide on your conduct. As for mine, I myself will declare what that shall be. I defended the republic as a young man; I will not abandon it now that I am old. I scorned the sword of Catiline; I will not quail before yours. No, I will rather cheerfully expose my own person, if the liberty of the city can be restored by my death.
May the indignation of the Roman people at last bring forth what it has been so long laboring with. In truth, if twenty years ago in this very temple I asserted that death could not come prematurely upon a man of consular rank, with how much more truth must I now say the same of an old man? To me, indeed,
O conscript fathers, death is now even desirable, after all the honors which I have gained and the deeds which I have done. I only pray for these two things: one, that dying, I may leave the Roman people free. No greater boon than this can be granted me by the immortal gods. The other, that every one may meet with a fate suitable to his deserts and conduct toward the republic.
1 Cicero, , ii, 44–46.
2 See page 129.
1 See pages 160–161.
2 Spurius Cassius, the leading statesman of the early republic, was put to death in 485 B. C. on the charge of treason to the state.
3 Mælius was a rich plebeian accused of conspiring to overthrow the republic (439 B. C.).
4 See pages 171–172.
1 Octavius, afterwards Cæsar Augustus.
2 Plutarch, Cicero, 48–49.
Chicago: Philippics in Readings in Early European History, ed. Webster, Hutton (Boston: Ginn and Company, 1926), 200–202. Original Sources, accessed December 4, 2024, http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=R4FM694NVUH8G7R.
MLA: . Philippics, Vol. ii, in Readings in Early European History, edited by Webster, Hutton, Boston, Ginn and Company, 1926, pp. 200–202. Original Sources. 4 Dec. 2024. http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=R4FM694NVUH8G7R.
Harvard: , Philippics. cited in 1926, Readings in Early European History, ed. , Ginn and Company, Boston, pp.200–202. Original Sources, retrieved 4 December 2024, from http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=R4FM694NVUH8G7R.