Title 48—Territories and Insular Possessions

Chap.     Sec.

1.     Bureau of Insular Affairs [Omitted or Repealed]     1

2.     Alaska     21

3.     Hawaii     491

4.     Puerto Rico     731

5.     Philippine Islands [Omitted, Repealed, or Transferred]     1001

6.     Canal Zone [Omitted, Repealed, or Transferred]     1301

7.     Virgin Islands     1391

8.     Guano Islands     1411

8A.     Guam     1421

9.     Samoa, Tutuila, Manua, Swains Island, and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands [Transferred]     1431

10.     Territorial Provisions of a General Nature     1451

11.     Alien Owners of Land     1501

12.     Virgin Islands     1541

13.     Eastern Samoa     1661

14.     Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands     1681

15.     Conveyance of Submerged Lands to Territories     1701

16.     Delegates to Congress     1711

17.     Northern Mariana Islands     1801

18.     Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau     1901

19.     Pacific Policy Reports     2001