From Benjamin Franklin.

Philadelphia, 22 July, 1776.


The bearer, Mr. Joseph Belton, some time since petitioned the Congress for encouragement to destroy the enemy’s ships of war by some contrivances of his invention. They came to no resolution on his petition; and, as they appear to have no great opinion of such proposals, it is not easy, in the multiplicity of business before them, to get them to bestow any part of their attention on his request. He is now desirous of trying his hand on the ships that are gone up the North River; and, as he proposes to work entirely at his own expense, and only desires your countenance and permission, I could not refuse his desire of a line of introduction to you, the trouble of which I beg you to excuse. As he appears to be a very ingenious man, I hope his project may be attended with success.

With sincerest esteem and respect, I have the honor to be, &c.