Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937

Author: Franklin D. Roosevelt  | Date: July 14, 1937

103 Statement on the Death of Senator Joseph T. Robinson.
July 14, 1937

In the face of a dispensation so swift in its coming and so tragic in the loss it brings to the Nation, we bow in sorrow. A pillar of strength is gone. A soldier has fallen with face to the battle.

I personally mourn the passing of a greatly beloved friend whose fidelity through long years never wavered. Those who knew Joseph Taylor Robinson best recognized in him the qualities of true liberal thought. Mindful of the needs of the underprivileged he was devoted always to improvement of the lot of the masses.

In his going Joe Robinson has left a record as high in achievement as it was faithful in performance. He never temporized with principle nor bargained where the public interest was the issue. But, day by day, through long service in high office, he brought to the national councils the contribution of great learning and sound wisdom—a leadership inspired by courage and guided by consummate common sense and a devotion to duty given without selfish interest.

And so death found him at the last with hope unfaltering, with vision undimmed, and with courage unafraid. Of him well may it be said: He has fought a good fight; he has finished his course; he has kept the faith.


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Chicago: Franklin D. Roosevelt, "103 Statement on the Death of Senator Joseph T. Robinson.," Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937 in Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937 (New York: Russell & Russell, 1938-1950), Item 184 Original Sources, accessed June 27, 2024,

MLA: Roosevelt, Franklin D. "103 Statement on the Death of Senator Joseph T. Robinson." Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937, in Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937 (New York: Russell & Russell, 1938-1950), Item 184, Original Sources. 27 Jun. 2024.

Harvard: Roosevelt, FD, '103 Statement on the Death of Senator Joseph T. Robinson.' in Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937. cited in , Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937 (New York: Russell & Russell, 1938-1950), Item 184. Original Sources, retrieved 27 June 2024, from