U.S. History

Proceedings of a Revolutionary Convention (1775)


AT a Meeting of the Delegates appointed by the Several Counties of the Province of Maryland, at Annapolis, on Wednesday the 26th of July 1775 . . .

Friday July 28. . . .

The petition of Patrick Graham of Charles County, Taylor, praying a "Remission of the Sentence of the Committee of Charles County, and that he might be restored to the privileges of a Citizen" being read and considered, It is thereupon Resolved, that the said Patrick Graham be allowed to exercise his former Trade of a Taylor, and that he also be permitted to buy provisions and other necessaries for the use of his family; And that the said Patrick Graham be allowed and permitted to collect, and receive all just Debts due to him; and that all persons be permitted to employ the said Patrick Graham as a Taylor, and to sell him provisions and other necessaries for his Family. But that the said

Patrick Graham be not allowed to carry on any Traffick or merchandize, until it be otherwise resolved by this, or some future Convention. . . .

Monday, 31 July 1775 . . .

On Motion, Resolved, That the value of £5900, common money be borrowed on the credit of this Convention to be laid out in the purchase of 48 Tons of Lead, one hundred pounds value in Gun-Flints, two Tons of Cannon powder, and the residue of the said sum in Musquetry powder, for the use of this Province, to be repaid out of the first notes of Credit to be issued by this Convention. . . .

Wednesday 2d August. . . .

On Motion Resolved, That a Committee of seven members of this Convention be appointed to consider of a proper mode to be adopted to prevent the Inhabitants of this Province being harrassed with suits at law, and for laying such restriction on the proceedings of the Courts of Law as may be necessary and expedient in the present circumstances of this Province. . . .

Thursday 3d August . . .

Colo Richard Lloyd and Dr Richard Brooke have leave of absence.

On motion Resolved, That an alteration be made in the Resolve of December Convention, relative to the killing of Lamb.

Resolved, that the resolution of this Province "that no person ought to kill Lamb, dropt before the first day of May yearly, or other Sheep, after the first day of January then next, under four years of age" be repealed so far as relates to killing of Lamb; but it is earnestly recommended that the Continental Resolve respecting the killing of Sheep be most strictly observed. . . .

Friday 4th August . . .

Resolved, That if any persons will lend and advance to the Public any sums of money not exceeding in the whole four thousand pounds common money, and will pay the same into the hands of Messrs Purviance, Smith & Stewart, to be by them laid out in the purchase and importation of Gunpowder and good substantial musquets, Bayonets, and accoutrements for Soldiers for the use of this Province, the Lenders shall be repaid their money out of the Bills of Credit to be issued, or if Bills of Exchange shall be lent, then the same shall be repaid in the same manner as the other loans of Bills of Exchange to this Convention. . . .

On reading and considering the Petition of Richard Henderson of Bladensburgh, setting forth his apprehensions, that some people of the neighbourhood of that place, if not advised to the contrary by this Convention may do violence to his person or property . . . this Convention strongly impressed with an idea of the confusion and disorder which must inevitably ensue, and the disunion which must necessarily follow, from the people at large being collected and inflicting punishments before a cool and temperate investigation of the case; and consequently the injury which may be thereby done to the common cause of Liberty, confide, that the Virtue of the people, and their attachment to the liberties of America, will guard them against a commission of the Excess apprehended. . . .

Monday 7th August . . .

The memorial of James Christie Junr of Baltimore Town was read; and upon reading the Letter of the said James Christie therein referred to, dated the 22d of February 1775, to Gabriel Christie, Lieutenant Colonel of the 60th Regiment in which the said Christie represented the inhabitants of that Town, as concerned in measures, in his opinion, treasonable and rebellious; and that a number of Soldiers would keep them very quiet; the same was considered by this Convention and thereupon it is Resolved, that the said James Christie, by the said Letter hath manifested a spirit & principle altogether inimical to the Rights and Liberties of America; that the said James Christie by insinuating the necessity of introducing a Military Force into this Province, has manifested an inveterate enmity to the Liberties of this Province in particular, and of British America in general.

Therefore Resolved, that the said James Christie is, and ought to be considered as an enemy to America, and that no person trade, deal or barter with him hereafter unless for necessaries and provisions, or for the sale or purchase of any part of his real or personal Estate, of which he may at this time be seised or possessed.

Resolved that the said James Christie be Expelled and banished this Province for ever, and that he depart this Province before the first Day of September next.

Resolved, That no punishment be inflicted on the said James Christie other than what is now directed by this Convention.

Resolved, That the said James Christie deposit in the Hands of this

Convention, or into the hands of such person or persons as they shall appoint, the sum of five hundred pounds sterling, to be expended occasionally towards his proportion of all Charges and Expenses incurred, or to be incurred, for the defence of America, during the present contest with Great Britain; the overplus, if any, after a Reconciliation shall happily be effected, to be returned to the said James Christie. . . .

Friday 11th August. . . .

On reading and considering the memorial of Messrs Lux and Ridley, of Baltimore Town, merchants, relative to the Brig Nancy, Capt. Sims; Resolved, that the prayer of the said memorial be granted, on proof of the allegations therein being made to the Committee of observation for Baltimore County, who are hereby empowered to examine and take the said proof, and if the said Vessel shall not be reladen and depart before 10th day of September next, then oath to be made before her departure, by the Captain and Mate, that no commodities, goods, wares or merchandise, is or shall be laden on board for Exportation, other than such as shall have been laden on Board, as part of her Cargo, before the said 10th day of September, and shall have been relanded. . . .

Monday 14th. Augt

Ordered, That the Rules and Regulations established by the Continental Congress for the government of the Continental Army, be published with the proceedings of this Convention. . . .

Resolved unanimously, That the following Association be signed by the Members of this Convention, and by all other the Freemen of this Province.

Association of the Freemen of Maryland 26th July 1775.

The long premeditated, and now avowed Design of the British Government, to raise a Revenue from the property of the Colonists without their consent, on the gift, grant and disposition of the Commons of Great Britain, the arbitrary and vindictive statutes passed under colour of punishing a Riot, to subdue by Military force, and by Famine, the Massachusetts Bay; the unlimited power assumed by Parliament to alter the Charter of that Province, and the Constitution of all the Colonies, thereby destroying the essential securities of the Lives, Liberties and properties of the Colonists; the Commencement of hostilities by the Ministerial Forces, and the cruel prosecution of the War against the people of the Massachusetts Bay, followed by General Gage’s proclamation, declaring almost the whole of the Inhabitants of the United Colonies, by name, or description, Rebels and Traitors, are sufficient causes to arm a free people in defence of their Liberty, and to justify resistance, no longer dictated by prudence merely, but by necessity, and leave no alternative but base submission or manly opposition to uncontroulable Tyranny. The Congress chose the latter, and for the express purpose of securing & defending the United Colonies and preserving them in Safety, against all attempts to carry the above mentioned Acts into Execution by Force of Arms, Resolved, that the said Colonies be immediately put into a State of Defence, and now supports at the joint expense, an army to restrain the further violence and repel the future attacks of a disappointed and exasperated Enemy.—We therefore, Inhabitants of the Province of Maryland, firmly persuaded that it is necessary and justifiable to repel Force by Force, do approve of the opposition by arms to the British Troops employed to enforce obedience to the late acts and statutes of the British Parliament, for raising a Revenue in America, and altering and changing the Charter and Constitution of the Massachusetts Bay, and for destroying the essential securities for the Lives, Liberties and properties of the Subjects in the United Colonies.

And We do unite and associate, as one Band & firmly and solemnly engage and pledge ourselves to each other and to America, that we will, to the utmost of our power, promote and support the present opposition, carrying on as well by Arms, as by the Continental Association restraining our Commerce.—

And as in these times of Public danger, and until a Reconcilliation with Great Britain on Constitutional Principles is effected (an event, we most ardently wish may soon take place) the energy of Government may be greatly impaired, so that even Zeal unrestrained may be productive of Anarchy & confusion; We do in like manner unite, associate and solemnly engage, in maintenance of good order, and the public peace, to support the civil power in the due execution of the Laws, so far as may be consistent with the present plan of opposition, and to defend with our utmost power all persons from every species of outrage to themselves or their property, and to prevent any punishment, from being inflicted on any offenders, other than such, as shall be adjudged by the Civil Magistrate, the Continental Congress, our Convention, Council of Safety, or Committees of observation.

That the Committees of Observation, in every County, as soon as conveniently may be, appoint persons in each Parish, or Hundred, to offer or carry the said Association to all Freemen resident within their County, (the Household of His Excellency the Governor excepted) and require their subscription to the same, which Associations, when subscribed shall be returned by the Committees to the Convention. And in case any Freeman within their County, shall not subscribe upon application, or within ten days thereafter, his name shall be returned by the said Committee to the next Convention, to the end that the Convention may take order therein. . . .

Resolved, That the Honorable Matthew Tilghman Esqr and Thomas Johnson Junr Robert Goldsborough, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Thomas Stone and John Hall Esqrs or any three or more of them, be Deputies to represent this Province in Continental Congress, and that they or any three or more of them, have full and ample power to consent and agree to all measures, which such Congress shall deem necessary and effectual to obtain a redress of American grievances; and further we do authorise our said Deputies to represent and act for this Province, in any Continental Congress which may be held before the 25th day of March next.

Ordered that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Thomas Johnson Junr Samuel Chase, William Paca, John Hall and Thomas Stone Esquires, or either of them, the sum of five hundred pounds common money, and that the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay to the Honorable Matthew Tilghman and Robert Goldsborough Esquires, or either of them, the sum of two hundred pounds, common money, to defray the expenses of their Deputation, to the next Continental Congress. . . .

Resolved, That there be a Convention of Delegates of this Province at Annapolis on the third Tuesday of March next, or on such day before that time, as shall be appointed by the Council of Safety. . . .

Ordered, that John Hall, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, William Paca and Matthias Hammond Esqrs be a Committee to revise the proceedings of this Convention, and publish such of them as they may think proper, and convey a number securely made up to each County, as soon as may be.

So ends this Convention.


G. DuVall, Clk.

Journal of the Maryland Convention, July 26—August 14, 1775, in Archives of Maryland (edited by William Hand Browne, Baltimore. 1892), XI, 3–35 passim.