New Zealand, 1893 Woman’s Suffrage Petition. Christchurch, New Zealand

To be presented to Parliament at the first Session of 1893.

To the Honourable the Speaker and Members
Of the House of Representatives in Parliament assembled.

The Petition of the undersigned Women, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, resident in the Colony of New Zealand, humbly sheweth: -

That large numbers of Women, in the Colony have for several years petitioned Parliament to extend the franchise to them.

That the justice of the claim, and the expediency of granting it, was, during the last Session of Parliament, affirmed by both Houses; but, that for reasons not affecting the principle of Women’s Franchise, its exercise has not yet been provided for.

That if such provision is not made before the next General Election, your petitioners will, for several years, be denied the enjoyment of what has been admitted by Parliament to be a just right, and will suffer a grievous wrong.

They therefore earnestly pray your Honourable House to adopt such measures as will enable Women to record their votes for Members of the House of Representatives at the ensuing General Election.

They further pray that your Honourable House will pass no Electoral Bill which shall fail to secure to Women this privilege.

And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. &c.

Name. -- Address.
Mary J. Carpenter -- Yaldhurst
Anne Gilberthorpe -- Yaldhurst
Susann Clarkson -- Hornby
Julia F. Shelton -- Hornby
June F. Sumther -- Johnston
Isabella Chaplin -- Templeton
Mary Hansen -- Templeton
Lovice Rosendale -- Templeton
Priscilla Marshall -- Templeton
Margaret Watson -- Templeton
M. Ester Waarte -- Templeton
Jessie Gudsell -- Templeton
Julia Mayers -- Templeton
Mary Jeffs -- Templeton
Alice Holmes -- Riccarton
Emma Lambert -- Hornby
K. W. Sheppard -- Riccarton
G. Wallis -- "
J. Manson -- "
J. Carleton -- "
E. Gulley -- Lyttelton
S. W. Hervinson -- Hendalton
C. Hepburn -- Riccarton
L. Hepburn -- "