American History Told by Contemporaries
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Historical SummaryThis document is typical of Indian cessions made in all the colonies. An earlier grant of New Hampshire, dated 1636, is now known to have been a forgery.—Bibliography: Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, III, 366; Channing and Hart, Guide, § 123.
U.S. History
The Indian Grant (1638)
KNOW all men by these presents that I Wehanownowit Sagamore of piskatoquacke for good considerations me therevnto mouing and for certen commoditys which I have received have graunted and sould unto John Whelewright of piscatoquake, Samuel Hutchinson and Augustus Stor of Boston Edward Calcord and Darby Field of piscatoquake and John Compton of Roxbury, and Nicholas Needome of Mount Walliston, all the right title and interest in all such lands, woods, meadows, rivers, brookes, springs, as of right belongs unto me from Merimack river to the patents of piscatoquake bounded with the South East side of piscatoquake patents and so to goe into the Country north-West thirty miles as far as the easte line, to have and to hold the same to them and their heires for ever. onely the ground wch is broken up is excepted. and that it shall be lawfull for the said Sagamore to hunt and fish and foul in the said limits. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the 3d day of April. 1638
Signed and possession given
These being present
[figure table]
Know all men by these presents yt. I Wehanownowitt Sagamore of Pusscataquke for a certaine some of money to mee in hand payd and other Mercantable comodities which I have recd as likewise for other good causes and considerations mee yr into specially mouing haue graunted barganed alienated and sould unto John Wheelewright of Piscataqua and Augustine Storr of Bostone all those Lands woods Medowes Marshes rivers brooks springs with all the appurtenantes emoluments pfitts comodyts there unto belonging lying and situate within three miles on the Northerne side of ye. river Meremake extending thirty miles along by the river from the sea side and from the sayd river side to Pisscataqua Patents thirty miles up into the countrey North West, and see from the ffalls of Piscataqua to Oyster river thirty miles square eury way, to have and to hould the same to them and yr heyres for ever, only the ground wh is broaken up is excepted and it shall bee lawfull for ye sayd Sagamore to hunt fish and foule in the sayd lymits. In witnesse wrof I have here unto sett my hand and seale the third day of Aprill 1638
[figure table]
Know all men by these prsents that I Watchanowet doe fully consent to the grant within written and do yield up all my right in the said purchased lands to the prtys w’in written
In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand the tenth day of April. 1639.
I doe likewise grant unto them for goode consideration all the meadows and grounds extending for the space of one English mile on the East side of oyster river. April. 10. 1639.
These being prsent
[figure table]
New-Hampshire Historical Society, Collections (Concord, 1824), I, 147–149.
Chicago: Sagamore Wehanownowitt, "The Indian Grant (1638)," American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. New-Hampshire Historical Society in American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. Albert Bushnell Hart (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1897), 426–427. Original Sources, accessed March 13, 2025, http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLW8RY44BRP7RMR.
MLA: Wehanownowitt, Sagamore. "The Indian Grant (1638)." American History Told by Contemporaries, edited by New-Hampshire Historical Society, Vol. I, in American History Told by Contemporaries, edited by Albert Bushnell Hart, Vol. 1, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1897, pp. 426–427. Original Sources. 13 Mar. 2025. http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLW8RY44BRP7RMR.
Harvard: Wehanownowitt, S, 'The Indian Grant (1638)' in American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. . cited in 1897, American History Told by Contemporaries, ed. , The Macmillan Company, New York, pp.426–427. Original Sources, retrieved 13 March 2025, from http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLW8RY44BRP7RMR.