U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters
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General SummaryThe U.S. Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. While every effort has been made to ensure that this reproduction of the Code is accurate, those using it for legal purposes should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through the Government Printing Office.
§ 906. Compensation
(a) Time for commencement
No compensation shall be allowed for the first three days of the disability, except the benefits provided for in section 907 of this title: Provided, however, That in case the injury results in disability of more than fourteen days the compensation shall be allowed from the date of the disability.
(b) Maximum rate of compensation
(1) Compensation for disability or death (other than compensation for death required by this chapter to be paid in a lump sum) shall not exceed an amount equal to 200 per centum of the applicable national average weekly wage, as determined by the Secretary under paragraph (3).
(2) Compensation for total disability shall not be less than 50 per centum of the applicable national average weekly wage determined by the Secretary under paragraph (3), except that if the employee’s average weekly wages as computed under section 910 of this title are less than 50 per centum of such national average weekly wage, he shall receive his average weekly wages as compensation for total disability.
(3) As soon as practicable after June 30 of each year, and in any event prior to October 1 of such year, the Secretary shall determine the national average weekly wage for the three consecutive calendar quarters ending June 30. Such determination shall be the applicable national average weekly wage for the period beginning with October 1 of that year and ending with September 30 of the next year. The initial determination under this paragraph shall be made as soon as practicable after October 27, 1972.
(c) Applicability of determinations
Determinations under subsection (b)(3) of this section with respect to a period shall apply to employees or survivors currently receiving compensation for permanent total disability or death benefits during such period, as well as those newly awarded compensation during such period.
(Mar. 4, 1927, ch. 509, § 6, 44 Stat. 1426; June 24, 1948, ch. 623, § 1, 62 Stat. 602; July 26, 1956, ch. 735, § 1, 70 Stat. 654; Pub. L. 87–87, § 1, July 14, 1961, 75 Stat. 203; Pub. L. 92–576, §§ 4, 5(a), Oct. 27, 1972, 86 Stat. 1252; Pub. L. 98–426, § 6, Sept. 28, 1984, 98 Stat. 1641.)
1984—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 98–426, § 6(a), substituted provisions setting a maximum compensation for disability on death of 200 per centum of the applicable national average weekly wage as determined by the Secretary for former provisions which had set out a schedule of progressive percentages of 125 per centum or $167, whichever is greater, during the period ending September 30, 1973, 150 per centum during the period beginning October 1, 1973, and ending September 30, 1974, 175 per centum during the period beginning October 1, 1974, and ending September 30, 1975, and 200 per centum beginning October 1, 1975.
Subsecs. (c), (d). Pub. L. 98–426, § 6(b), redesignated subsec. (d) as (c) and substituted "under subsection (b)(3) of this section" for "under this subsection". Former subsec. (c), which had directed that the maximum rate of compensation for a nonappropriated fund instrumentality employee be equal to 662/3 per centum of the maximum rate of basic pay established for a Federal employee in grade GS–12 by section 5332 of title 5 and the minimum rate of compensation for such an employee be equal to 662/3 per centum of the minimum rate of basic pay established for a Federal employee in grade GS–2 by such section, was struck out.
1972—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 92–576, § 4, substituted "fourteen days" for "twenty-eight days".
Subsecs. (b) to (d). Pub. L. 92–576, § 5(a) added subsecs. (b) to (d) and struck out former subsec. (b) compensation for disability provisions which prescribed a $70 per week limit, a $18 per week minimum for total disability, and provided that if the employee’s average weekly wages, as computed under section 910 of this title, were less than $18 per week he should receive as compensation for total disability his average weekly wages.
1961—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 87–87 increased limitation on compensation for disability from "$54" to "$70" per week.
1956—Subsec. (a). Act July 26, 1956, substituted "three days" for "seven days" and "twenty-eight days" for "forty-nine days".
Subsec. (b). Act July 26, 1956, substituted "$54" for "$35", and "$18" for "$12" in two places.
1948—Subsec. (b). Act June 24, 1948, increased maximum weekly compensation from $25 to $35 and the minimum from $9 to $12 in two places.
Effective Date of 1984 Amendment
Amendment by section 6(a) of Pub. L. 98–426 applicable with respect to any death after Sept. 28, 1984, and amendment by section 6(b) of Pub. L. 98–426 applicable with respect to any injury, disability, or death after Sept. 28, 1984, see section 28(d), (f) of Pub. L. 98–426, set out as a note under section 901 of this title.
Effective Date of 1972 Amendment
Amendment by Pub. L. 92–576 effective 30 days after Oct. 27, 1972, see section 22 of Pub. L. 92–576, set out as a note under section 902 of this title.
Effective Date of 1961 Amendment
Section 4 of Pub. L. 87–87 provided that: "The amendments made by the foregoing provisions of this Act [amending this section and sections 909 and 914 of this title] shall become effective as to injuries or death sustained on or after the date of enactment [July 14, 1961]."
Effective Date of 1956 Amendment
Section 9 of act July 26, 1956, provided that: "The amendments made by the first section and sections 2, 4, and 5 of this Act [amending this section and sections 908, 909, and 914 of this title] shall be applicable only with respect to injuries and death occurring on or after the date of enactment of this Act [July 26, 1956] notwithstanding the provisions of the Act of December 2, 1942, as amended (42 U.S.C. sec. 1701 et seq.)."
Effective Date of 1948 Amendment
Section 6 of act June 24, 1948, provided that: "The provisions of this Act [amending this section and sections 908, 909, 910, and 914 of this title] shall be applicable only to injuries or deaths occurring on or after the effective date hereof [June 24, 1948]."
Section Referred to in Other Sections
This section is referred to in sections 909, 910 of this title; title 42 sections 1652, 1702.
Chicago: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", "§ 906. Compensation," U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters in U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2002), Original Sources, accessed March 14, 2025, http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLV1ER3LAB81HCJ.
MLA: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel". "§ 906. Compensation." U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, in U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2002, Original Sources. 14 Mar. 2025. http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLV1ER3LAB81HCJ.
Harvard: "U.S. Congress, Office of the Law Revision Counsel", '§ 906. Compensation' in U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters. cited in 2002, U.S. Code, Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.. Original Sources, retrieved 14 March 2025, from http://originalsources.com/Document.aspx?DocID=GLV1ER3LAB81HCJ.