World History


The Records of the Town of Cambridge.

Page 354.

[Jan. 19, 1663.] The committee for ordering the seating of people in the meeting-house being met at the ordinary [inn]:

Appointed: Bro. Rich. Jackson’s wife to sit there where sister Kempster was wont to sit. Mrs. Up-ham, with her mother. Ester Sparhauke, in the place where Mrs. Upham is removed from. . . . John Stedman, on the fore gallery on the south side. . . . Mary Lemmon, where old sister Jackson was wont to sit . . . [etc.].

Page 155.

[Feb. 13, 1665. Selectmen.] . . . Thomas Gleison being sent for to appear before the Selectmen was warned to provide himself, the townsmen not seeing meet to allow of him as an inhabitant in this town. [Note by clerk, in margin: "He had been in the town about a week."]

Page 175.

[Feb. 8, 1669. Selectmen.] . . . for catechising the youth of this town: Elder Champney, Mr. Oakes are appointed for those families on the south side the bridge. [Fifteen others appointed for various sections of the town.]

Page 226.

[Feb. 14, 1676. Selectmen.] William Manning [and three others] are appointed by the Selectmen to have inspection into families that there be no bye-drinking nor any misdemeanor whereby sin is committed and persons [are] from their houses unseasonably.