Theory of Bacteria

Author: Robert Koch

Theory of Bacteria

Robert Koch

I am well aware that the investigations above described are very imperfect. It was necessary, in order to have time for those parts of the investigation which seemed the most important and essential, to omit the examination of many organs, such as the brain, heart, retina, etc., which ought not to pass unnoticed in researches on infective diseases. For the same reason no record was kept of the temperature, although this would undoubtedly have yielded most interesting results. I have intentionally refrained from entering into details of morbid anatomy, as only the etiology interested me, and as I did not feel qualified to undertake a study of the morbid anatomy of traumatic infective diseases. I must therefore leave this part of the investigation to those who are better able to undertake it.

Nevertheless I consider that the results of my researches are sufficiently definite to enable me to deduce from them some well founded conclusions.

In this summary I shall, however, confine myself to the most obvious conclusions. It has indeed of late become too common to draw the most sweeping conclusions as to infective diseases in general from the most unimportant observations on bacteria. I shall not follow this custom, although the material at my command would furnish rich food for meditation. For the longer I study infective diseases the more am I convinced that generalisations of new facts are here a mistake, and that every individual infective disease or group of closely allied diseases must be investigated for itself.

As regards the artificial traumatic infective diseases observed by me, the conditions which must be established before their parasitic nature can be proved, we completely fulfilled in the case of the first five, but only partially in that of the sixth. For the infection was produced by such small quantities of fluid (blood, serum, pus, etc.,) that the result cannot be attributed to a merely chemical poison.

In the materials used for inoculation bacteria were without exception present, and in each disease a different and well marked form of organism could be demonstrated. [p.311]

At the same time, the bodies of those animals which died of the artificial traumatic infective diseases contained bacteria in such numbers that the symptoms and the death of the animals were sufficiently explained. Further, the bacteria found were identical with those which were present in the fluid used for inoculation, and a definite form of organisms corresponded in every instance to a distinct disease.

These artificial traumatic infective diseases bear the greatest resemblance to human traumatic infective diseases, both as regards their origin from putrid substances, their course, and the result of postmortem examination. Further, in the first case, just as in the last, the parasitic organisms could be only imperfectly demonstrated by the earlier methods of investigation; not till an improved method of procedure was introduced was it possible to obtain complete proof that they were parasitic diseases. We are therefore justified in assuming that human traumatic infective diseases will in all probability be proved to be parasitic when investigated by these improved methods.

On the other hand, it follows from the fact that a definite pathogenic bacterium, e.g., the septicaemic bacillus, cannot be inoculated on every variety of animal (a similar fact is also true with regard to the bacillus anthracis); that the septicaemia of mice, rabbits, and man are not under all circumstances produced by the same bacterial form. It is of course possible that one or other of the bacteric forms found in animals also play a part in such diseases in the human subject. That, however, must be especially demonstrated for each case; a priori one need only expect that bacteria are present; as regards form, size and conditions of growth, they may be similar, but not always the same, even in what appear to be similar diseases in different animals.

Besides the pathogenic bacteria already found in animals there are no doubt many others. My experiments refer only to those diseases which ended fatally. Even these are in all probability not exhausted in the six forms mentioned. Further experiments on many different species of animals, with the most putrid substances and with every possible modification in the method of application, will doubtless bring to light a number of other infective diseases, which will lead to further conclusions regarding infective diseases and pathogenic bacteria.

But even in the small series of experiments which I was able to carry out, one fact was so prominent that I must regard it as constant, and, as it helps to remove most of the obstacles to the admission of the existence of a centagium vivum for traumatic infective diseases, I look on it as the most important result of my work. I refer to the differences which exist between pathogenic bacteria and to the constancy of their characters. A distinct bacteric form corresponds, as we have seen, to each disease, and this form always remains the same, however often the disease is transmitted from one animal to another. Further, when we succeed in reproducing the same disease de novo by the injection of putrid substances, only the same bacteric form occurs which was before found to be specific for that disease.

Further, the differences between these bacteria are as great as could be expected between particles which border on the invisible. With regard to these differences, I refer not only to the size and form of the bacteria, but also to the conditions of their growth, which can be best recognized by observing their situation and grouping. I therefore study not only the individual alone, but the whole group of bacteria, and would, for example, consider a micrococcus which in lone species of animal occurred only in masses (i.e., in a zooglaea form), as different from another which in the same variety of animal, under the same conditions of life, was only met with as isolated individuals. Attention must also be paid to the physiological effect, of which I scarcely know a more striking example than the case of the bacillus and the chain-like micrococcus growing together in the cellular tissue of the ear; the one passing into the blood and penetrating into the white blood corpuscles, the other spreading out slowly into the tissues in its vicinity and destroying everything around about; or again, the case of the septicaemic and pyaemic micrococci of the rabbit in their different relations to the blood; or lastly, the bacilli only extending over the surface of the aural cartilage in the erysipetalous disease, as contrasted with the bacillus anthracis, likewise inoculated on the rabbit’s ear, but quickly passing into the blood.

As, however, there corresponds to each of the diseases investigated a form of bacterium distinctly characterized by its physiological action, by its conditions of growth, size, and form, which, however often the disease be transmitted from one animal to another, always remains the same and never passes over into another form, e.g., from the spherical to the rod shaped, we must in the meantime regard these different forms of pathogenic bacteria as distinct and constant species.

This is, however, an assertion that will be much disputed by botanists, to whose special province this subject really belongs.

Amongst those botanists who have written against the subdivision of bacteria into species, is Nageli, who says, "I have for ten years examined thousands of different forms of bacteria, and I have not yet seen any absolute necessity for dividing them even into two distinct species."

Brefeld also states that he can only admit the existence of specific forms justifying the formation of distinct species when the whole history of development has been traced by cultivation from spore to spore in the most nutritive fluids.

Although Brefeld’s demand is undoubtedly theoretically correct, it cannot be made a sine qua non in every investigation on pathogenic bacteria. We should otherwise be compelled to cease our investigations into the etiology of infective diseases till botanists have succeeded in finding out the different species of bacteria by cultivation and development from spore to spore. It might then very easily happen that the endless trouble of pure cultivation would be expended on some form of bacterium which would finally turn out to be scarcely worthy of attention. In practice only the opposite method can work. In the first place certain peculiarities of a particular form of bacterium different from those of other forms, and in the second place its constancy, compel us to separate it from others less known and less interesting, and provisionally to regard it as a species. And now, to verify this provisional supposition, the cultivation from spore to spore may be undertaken. If this succeeds under conditions which cut out all sources of fallacy, and of it furnishes a result corresponding to that obtained by the previous observations, then the conclusions which were drawn from these observations and which led to its being ranked as a distinct species must be regarded as valid.

On this, which as it seems to me is the only correct practical method, I take my stand, and, till the cultivation of bacteria from spore to spore shows that I am wrong, I shall look on pathogenic bacteria as consisting of different species.

In order, however, to show that I do not stand alone in this view, I shall here mention the opinion of some botanists who have already come to a similar conclusion.

Cohn states that, in spite of the fact that many dispute the necessity of separating bacteria into genera or species, he must nevertheless adhere to the method as yet followed by him, and separate bacteria of a different form and fermenting power from each other, so long as complete proof of their identity is not given.

From his investigations on the effects of different temperatures and of desiccation on the development of bacterium termo, Eidam came to the conclusion that different forms of bacteria require different conditions of nutriment, and that they behave differently towards physical and chemical influences. He regards these facts as a further proof of the necessity of dividing organisms into distinct species.

I shall bring forward another reason to show the necessity of looking on the pathogenic bacteria which I have described as distinct species. The greatest stress, in investigations on bacteria, is justly laid on the so-called pure cultivations, in which only one definite form of bacterium is present. This evidently arises from the view that if, in a series of cultivations, the same form of bacterium is always obtained, a special significance must attach to this form: it must indeed be accepted as a constant form, or in a word as a species. Can, then, a series of pure cultivations be carried out without admixture of other bacteria? It can in truth be done, but only under very limited conditions. Only such bacteria can be cultivated pure, with the aids at present at command, which can always be known to be pure, either by their size and easily recognizable form, as the bacillus anthracis, or by the production of a characteristic coloring matter as the pigment bacteria. When, during a series of cultivations, a strange species of bacteria has by chance got in, as may occasionally happen under any circumstances, it will in these cases be at once observed, and the unsuccessful experiment will be thrown out of the series without the progress of the investigation being thereby necessarily interfered with.

But the case is quite different when attempts are made to carry out cultivations of very small bacteria, which, perhaps, cannot be distinguished at all without staining; how are we then to discover the occurrence of contamination? It is impossible to do so, and therefore all attempts at pure cultivation in apparatus, however skillfully planned and executed, must, as soon as small bacteria with but little characteristic appearances are dealt with, be considered as subject to unavoidable sources of fallacy, and in themselves inconclusive.

But nevertheless a pure cultivation is possible, even in the case of the bacteria which are smallest and most difficult to recognise. This, however, is not conducted in cultivation apparatus, but in the animal body. My experiments demonstrate this. In all the cases of a distinct disease, e.g., of septicaemia of mice, only the small bacilli were present, and no other form of bacterium was ever found with it, unless in the case where that causing the tissue gangrene was intentionally inoculated at the same time. In fact, there exists no better cultivation apparatus for pathogenic bacteria than the animal body itself. Only a very limited number of bacteria can grow in the body, and the penetration of organisms into it is so difficult that the uninjured living body may be regarded as completely isolated With respect to other forms of bacteria than those intentionally introduced. It is quite evident, from a careful consideration of the two diseases produced in mice-septicaemia and gangrene of the tissue—that I have succeeded in my experiments in obtaining a pure cultivation. In the putrefying blood, which was the cause of these two diseases, the most different forms of bacteria were present, and yet only two of these found in the living mouse the conditions necessary for their existence. All the others died, and these two alone, a small bacillus and a chain-like micrococcus, remained and grew. These could be transferred from one animal to another as often as was desired, without suffering any alteration in their characteristic form, in their specific physiological action and without any other variety of bacteria at any time appearing. And further, as I have demonstrated, it is quite in the power of the experimenter to separate these two forms of bacteria from each other. When the blood in which only the bacilli are present is used, these alone are transmitted, and thenceforth are obtained quite pure; while on the other hand, when a field mouse is inoculated with both forms of bacteria, the bacilli disappear, and the micrococcus can be then cultivated pure. Doubtless an attempt to unite these two forms again in the same animal by inoculation would have been successful. In short, one has it completely in one’s power to cultivate several varieties of bacteria together, to separate them from each other, and eventually to combine them again. Greater demands can hardly be made on a pure cultivation, and I must therefore regard the successive transmission of artificial infective diseases as the best and surest method of pure cultivation. And it can further claim the same power of demonstrating the existence of specific forms of bacteria, as must be conceded to any faultless cultivation experiments.

From the fact that the animal body is such an excellent apparatus for pure cultivation, and that, as we have seen, when the experiments are properly arranged and sufficient optical aids used, only one specific form of bacterium can be found in each distinct case of artificial traumatic infective disease, we may now further conclude that when, in examining a traumatic infective disease, several different varieties of bacteria are found, as e. g., chains of small granules, rods, and long, oscillating threads—such as were seen together by Coze and Feltz in the artificial septicaemia of rabbits—we have to do either with a combined infective disease,—that is, not a pure one,—or, what in the case cited is more probable, an inexact and inaccurate observation. When, therefore, several species of bacteria occur together in any morbid process, before definite conclusions are drawn as to the relations of the disease in question to the organisms, either proof must be furnished that they are all concerned in the morbid process, or an attempt must be made to isolate them and to obtain a true pure cultivation. Otherwise we cannot avoid the objection that the cultivation was not pure, and therefore not conclusive. I shall only briefly refer to a further necessary consequence of the admission of the existence of different species of pathogenic bacteria. The number of the species of these bacteria is limited; for, of the numerous diverse forms present in putrid fluids, one or but few can in the most favorable cases develop in the animal body. Those which disappear are, for that species of animal at least, not pathogenic bacteria. If, however, as follows from the foregoing, there exist hurtful and harmless bacteria, experiments performed on animals with the latter, e.g., with bacterium termo, prove absolutely nothing for or against the behavior of the former—the pathogenic—forms. But almost all the experiments of this nature have been carried out with the first mixture of different species of bacteria which came to hand without there being any certainty that pathogenic bacteria were in reality present in the mixture. It is therefore evident that none of these experiments can be regarded as furnishing evidence of any value for or against the parasitic nature of infective diseases.

In all my experiments, not only have the form and size of the bacteria been constant, but the greatest uniformity in their actions on the animal organisms has been observed, though no increase of virulence, as described by Coze and Feltz, Davaine, and others. This leads me to make some remarks on the supposed law of the increasing virulence of blood when transmitted through successive animals, discovered or confirmed by the investigators just named.

The discovery of this law has as is well known, been received with great enthusiasm, and it has excited no little interest owing to its intimate bearing on the doctrine of natural selection (Anpassung and Vererbung). Some investigators, who are in other things very exact, have allowed themselves to be blinded by the seductive theory that the insignificant action of a single putrefactive bacterium may, by continued natural selection in passing from animal to animal, be increased in virulence till it becomes deadly though a drop of the infective liquid be diluted in a quadrillion times. They have founded thereon the most beautiful practical applications, not suspecting that the bacteria in question have never been certainly demonstrated.

The original works of Coze and Feltz, as also that of Davaine, are not at my disposal for reference; and I cannot therefore enter into a complete criticism of them. So far, however, as I can gather from the references accessible to me, especially from the detailed notices in Virchow and Hirch’s "Jahnesbericht," no complete proof that the virulence of septicaemic blood increases from generation to generation seems to have been furnished. Apparently blood more and more diluted was injected, and astonishment was felt when this always acted, the effect being then ascribed to its increasing virulence. But controlling experiments to ascertain whether the septicaemic blood were not already as virulent in the second and third generations as in the twenty-fifth, do not seem to have been made. My experiments so far support and are in accordance with those of Coze, Feltz, and Davaine in that for the first infection of an animal relatively large quantities of putrid fluid are necessary; but in the second generation, or at the latest in the third, the full virulence was attained, and afterwards remained constant.

Of my artificial infective diseases the septicaemia of the mouse has the greatest correspondence with the artificial septicaemia described by Davaine. If we were to experiment with this disease in the same manner as Davaine experimented, we would, if no controlling experiments were employed, find the same increase in virulence of the disease. It would only be necessary to use blood in slowly decreasing quantities in order to obtain in this way any progressive increase of the virulence that might be desired. I, however, took from the second or third animal the smallest possible quantity of material for inoculation, and thus arrived more quickly at the greatest degree of virulence. Till, therefore, I am assured that, in the septicaemia observed by Davaine, such controlling experiments were made, I can only look on an increase in virulence as holding good for the earlier generations. In order to explain this we do not, however, require to have recourse to the magical wand of natural selection; a feasible explanation can be very naturally furnished. Let us take again the septicaemia of mice, as being the most suitable example.

If two drops of putrefying blood be injected into such an animal there is introduced not only a number of totally distinct species of bacteria, but also a certain amount of dissolved putrid poison (sepsin), not sufficient to produce a fatal effect, but yet certainly not without influence on the health of the animal. Different factors must therefore be considered as affecting the health of the animal. On the one hand there is the dissolved poison, on the other the different species of bacteria, of which, however, perhaps only two, as in the example before us, can multiply in the body of the mouse and there exert a continuous noxious influence. Only one of these two species can penetrate into the blood, and if the blood alone be used for further inoculations, only this one variety will come victorious out of the battle for existence. The further development of the experiment depends entirely on the quantity of the putrid poison, and on the relation of the two forms of bacteria to each other in point of numbers. If one injects a large amount of septic poison and a large number of that variety of bacteria which increases locally (in this case the chain-like micrococci causing the gangrene of the tissue), but only a very small number of the bacteria which pass into the blood (here the bacilli), the first animal experimented on will die, as a result of the preponderation influence of the first two factors before many bacilli can have got into the blood and multiplied there. Of the blood of this first animal, containing, as it does, proportionately very few bacilli, one-fifth to one-tenth of a drop must be inoculated in order to convey the disease with certainty. In the second animal, however, only the bacilli are introduced, and these develop undisturbed in the blood. For the infection of the third animal the smallest quantity of this blood which can produce an effect is then sufficient, and after this third generation the virulence of the blood remains uniform.

We may also imagine another case in which the increase of the virulence may go on through more than two generations without any modification resulting from natural selection and transmission from animal to animal. This would take place if several species of bacteria capable of passing into the blood were introduced into the animal at the first injection. Let us suppose, for example, that in the same putrefying blood which served for the foregoing experiment, the bacilli of anthrax were also present, there would then be contained in the blood of the first animal not only the septicaemic bacillus, but also bacillus anthracis, and of each only a small number; of the anthrax bacillus there would be even fewer than of the other, because in mice they are deposited chiefly in the spleen, lungs, etc.; while in the blood of the heart they are, even in the most favorable cases, only sparsely distributed. On the other hand, the anthrax bacilli have this advantage, that, provided they be inoculated in considerable numbers, they kill even within twenty hours, while the septicaemic bacilli only destroy life after fifty hours. In the blood of the second animal, therefore, both species of bacilli would be present in larger numbers than in the first, although not yet so numerous as if either organism had been inoculated singly. Hence a larger quantity of blood is necessary to ensure transmission to a third animal. Perhaps this might be the case even in the fourth generation, till finally one or other variety of bacillus would alone be present in the blood injected. Probably this would be the septicaemic bacillus.

In this way the experiments of Coze, Feltz, and Davaine may admit of simple explanation and be brought into harmony with my results.

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Chicago: Robert Koch, Theory of Bacteria in The Library of Original Sources, ed. Oliver J. Thatcher (Milwaukee, WI: University Research Extension Co., 1907), 310–319. Original Sources, accessed May 8, 2024,

MLA: Koch, Robert. Theory of Bacteria, in The Library of Original Sources, edited by Oliver J. Thatcher, Vol. 10, Milwaukee, WI, University Research Extension Co., 1907, pp. 310–319. Original Sources. 8 May. 2024.

Harvard: Koch, R, Theory of Bacteria. cited in 1907, The Library of Original Sources, ed. , University Research Extension Co., Milwaukee, WI, pp.310–319. Original Sources, retrieved 8 May 2024, from