LAUGHTON, State Papers relating to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Vol. I, pp. 288, 341; Vol. II, p. 6; pub. by The Navy Records Society, 1894. World History

Sir, the southerly wind that brought us back from the coast of Spain brought them out. God blessed us with turning us back. Sir, for the love of God and our country let us have with speed some great shot sent us of all bigness; for this service will continue long; — and some powder with it.


Captain Drake to Secretary Walsingham

Right Honorable:

The bearer came aboard the ship I was in in a wonderful good time, and brought with him as good knowledge as we could wish. His carefulness therein is worthy recompense, for that God hath given us so good a day in forcing the enemy so far to leeward as I hope in God the prince of Parma and the duke of Sidonia shall not shake hands these few days; and whensoever they shall meet, I believe neither of them will greatly rejoice of this day’s service. The town of Calais hath seen some part thereof, whose mayor her Majesty is beholden unto. Business commands me to end. God bless her Majesty, our gracious sovereign, and give us all grace to live in his fear. I assure your honor this day’s service hath much appalled the enemy, and no doubt but encouraged our army. From aboard her Majesty’s good ship the Revenge, this 29th of July, 1588.

Your Honor’s most ready to be commanded,


There must be great care taken to send us ammunition and victuals whithersoever the enemy goeth.
