Statement on the Birthday of Susan B. Anthony.
February 13, 1976

SUNDAY, February 15, is the birthday of Susan B. Anthony, who was born on a Massachusetts farm in 1820.

From an early interest in the temperance, antislavery, and women’s rights movements of her day, Susan B. Anthony rose to meet the discrimination of her day which denied women the right to vote.

With other dedicated women, she took the cause of women’s suffrage to State capitals across our growing Nation. Although her efforts brought only limited success in her lifetime, the irreversible change she wrought in the attitudes of society ultimately led to the ratification of the nineteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

As we engage in a continuation of her struggle to ensure legal equality today, it is encouraging to remember her message to a 1906 women’s suffrage association banquet in Washington, D.C. She simply but eloquently said: "Failure is impossible."