U.S. History

The Piety of a Sea Rover (1578)


MASTER WINTER, if it pleaseth God that you should chance to meete with this ship of Sant Iohn de Anton, I pray you vse him well, according to my word and promise giuen vnto them, and if you want any thing that is in this ship of Sant Iohn de Anton, I pray you pay them double the value for it, which I will satisfie againe, and command your men not to doe her any hurt: and what composition or agreement we haue made, at my returne into England I will by Gods helpe perfourme, although I am in doubt that this letter will honer come to your hands: notwithstanding I am the man I haue promised to be: Beseeching God, the Sauiour of all the world, to haue vs in his keeping, to whom onely I glue all honour, praise and glory. What I haue written, is not only to you M. Winter, but also to M. Thomas, M. Charles, M. Caube, and M. Anthoine, with all our other good friendes, whom I commit to the tuition of him that with his blood redeemed vs, and am in good hope, that we shal be in no more trouble, but that he will helpe vs in aduersitie, desiring you for the Passion of Christ, if you fall into any danger, that you will not despaire of Gods mercy, for hee will defend you and pre-serue you from all danger, and bring vs to our desired hauen, to whom bee all honour, glory, and praise for euer and euer. Amen. Your sorrowfull Captaine, whose heart is heauy for you:

Letter of Sir Francis Drake to his Company, in Hakluyt, The Principall Voyages, Navigations, Traffiques and Discoveries (London, 1599–1600), III, 748.