10 Letter of Congratulation to Carrie Chapman Catt.
January 22, 1936

My dear Mrs. Catt:

Our old friendship, dating back to the days when I was a very young State Senator in 1911, would be sufficient reason for me to write you on your completion of half a century of public service. But there is a greater reason—because the whole country applauds you and your very great contributions to our well-being.

The many years of devoted work which you gave to the cause of woman’s suffrage have long since been justly rewarded not only by the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in our own country, but also by marked improvement in the status of women throughout the world.

Those of us who are directly concerned with the maintenance and encouragement of peace between Nations are also grateful to you for the splendid leadership you give to the cause of peace and the furtherance of the prevention of war.

May you continue for many years to come as the strong and active captain in these noble objectives of a better civilization.

With my warm regards,
Always sincerely,
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt
New York City