Title 33—Navigation and Navigable Waters

Chap.     Sec.

1.     Navigable Waters Generally     1

2.     International Rules for Navigation at Sea [Repealed]     61

3.     Navigation Rules for Harbors, Rivers, and Inland Waters Generally     151

4.     Navigation Rules for Great Lakes and Their Connecting and Tributary Waters [Repealed]     241

5.     Navigation Rules for Red River of the North and Rivers Emptying Into Gulf of Mexico and Tributaries [Repealed]     301

5A.     Exemption of Navy or Coast Guard Vessels From Certain Navigation Rules [Repealed]     360

6.     General Duties of Ship Officers and Owners After Collision or Other Accident [Repealed]     361

7.     Regulations for the Suppression of Piracy     381

8.     Summary Trials for Certain Offenses Against Navigation Laws     391

9.     Protection of Navigable Waters and of Harbor and River Improvements Generally     401

10.     Anchorage Grounds and Harbor Regulations Generally     471

11.     Bridges Over Navigable Waters     491

12.     River and Harbor Improvements Generally     540

13.     Mississippi River Commission     641

14.     California Debris Commission     661

15.     Flood Control     701

16.     Lighthouses     711

17.     National Ocean Survey     851

18.     Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation     901

19.     Saint Lawrence Seaway     981

20.     Pollution of the Sea by Oil [Repealed]     1001

21.     International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea [Repealed]     1051

22.     Sea Grant Colleges and Marine Science Development     1101

23.     Pollution Control of Navigable Waters [Omitted or Transferred]     1151

24.     Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Communication     1201

25.     Ports and Waterways Safety Program     1221

26.     Water Pollution Prevention and Control     1251

27.     Ocean Dumping     1401

28.     Pollution Casualties on the High Seas: United States Intervention     1471

29.     Deepwater Ports     1501

30.     International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea     1601

31.     Ocean Pollution Research and Development and Monitoring Planning [Repealed]     1701

32.     Inland Waterways Trust Fund     1801

33.     Prevention of Pollution From Ships     1901

34.     Inland Navigational Rules     2001

35.     Artificial Reefs     2101

36.     Water Resources Development     2201

37.     Organotin Antifouling Paint Control     2401

38.     Dumping of Medical Waste by Public Vessels     2501

39.     Shore Protection from Municipal or Commercial Waste     2601

40.     Oil Pollution     2701

41.     National Coastal Monitoring     2801

42.     Estuary Restoration     2901

Title Referred to in Other Sections

     This title is referred to in title 42 section 9607; title 46 App. section 1273a.