Little Women

Author: Louisa May Alcott  | Date: 1868


GO THEN, my little Book, and show to all

That entertain and bid thee welcome shall,

What thou dost keep close shut up in thy breast;

And wish what thou dost show them may be blest

To them for good, may make them choose to be

Pilgrims better, by far, than thee or me.

Tell them of Mercy; she is one

Who early hath her pilgrimage begun.

Yea, let young damsels learn of her to prize

The world which is to come, and so be wise;

For little tripping maids may follow God

Along the ways which saintly feet have trod.

Adapted from JOHN BUNYAN.


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Chicago: Louisa May Alcott, "Preface," Little Women Original Sources, accessed July 26, 2024,

MLA: Alcott, Louisa May. "Preface." Little Women, Original Sources. 26 Jul. 2024.

Harvard: Alcott, LM, 'Preface' in Little Women. Original Sources, retrieved 26 July 2024, from