A picture being brought to Luther, in which the pope, with Judas the traitor, were represented hanging on the purse and keys, he said: ’Twill vex the pope horribly, that he, whom emperors and kings have worshipped, should now be figured hanging on his false pick-locks. It will also grieve the papists, for their consciences will be touched. The purse accords well with the cardinals’ hats and their incomes, for the pope’s covetousness has been so gross, that in all kingdoms he has not only raked to himself Annates, Pallium-money, etc., but has also sold for money the holy sacrament:, indulgences, fraternities, Christ’s blood, matrimony, etc. Therefore his purse is filled with robberies, upon which justly ought to be exclaimed, as in the Revelations; ’Recompense them as they have done to you, and make it double unto them, according to their works.’ Therefore, seeing the pope has damned me and given me over to the devil, so will I, in requital, hang him on his own keys.