Organizational Transformation: A Case Study of a Declining
Social Movement1
It is generally recognized that the organized arms of value-oriented
social movements2 may remain intact long
after the movements themselves have lost general impetus. While it is to be
expected that these structures will adapt to their changed circumstances,
little attention has as yet been given to either the process or product of
this adaptation. This paper reports a study of certain organizational
consequences of the decline of the Townsend Movement.
While the old age pension movement seems to be gaining impetus in the
United States, the Townsend Movement has all but vanished. To understand
this seeming paradox it is necessary to examine the Townsend mission. This
has been, and continues to be, not simply national pensions for the aged,
but national pensions for the aged as a mechanism for alleviating or
preventing economic dislocation. The mission is a blending of issues
born of the 1930s, and the continued identification of Townsendites with it
aids in understanding the movement’s decline and the nature of its
remaining structure.
Two sorts of data support this characterization of the Townsend mission,
as well as the continued identification of the Organization with it.
First, the Townsend Plan, major subject of most Townsend pronouncements,
has maintained features directly linking pensions to economic
reconstruction. Its provision requiring that the pension be spent within
thirty days is intended to provide jobs by keeping money in circulation.
Its stipulation that prospective recipients must cease work to become
eligible is designed to combat "technological unemployment."
These are the key to Townsend claims that theirs is not "just another
pension plan." Further, leaders justify changes in other features of
the Plan as occasioned by the aim of economic reconstruction. For example,
the famous "200 dollars a month," from the first a legislative
impediment, was formally discarded in all forms in 1943. Informally it is
still mentioned as "essential to the Plan" in the sense that at
least this much is requisite to "keep the economy going." Other
changeable features, justified in all their forms as necessary to economic
include the means of financing and designation of those to receive the pension.
Second, the Organization aside from the Plan has continued to link the
pension and depression issues. In 1936, a year after passage of national
social security legislation, the Organization changed its name from
"Old Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd." to "Townsend National
Recovery Plan, Inc.," emphasizing that its mission was far from
complete. Not until 1948 did the less anachronous "Townsend Plan,
Inc." become the organizational style. The Townsend National
Weekly, official newspaper of the Organization, has become since 1941 a
veritable compendium of "signs" pointing to "impending"
economic disaster. Throughout World War II and the post-war boom,
Townsendites continued to circulate tracts stressing that their
Organization aimed at "a program to bring about full industrial
production for the Nation … [and] make jobs for the
While such aims may again gain currency, it is suggested that under the
changed conditions following the end of the depression the Townsend mission
was deprived of relevance. Continued identification with this mission has
constituted a serious block to Townsend membership maintenance and to the
recruitment of new Town-sendites. Combined with the short life-expectancies
of old Townsendites, this has meant a rapid depletion of the
Organization’s ranks (see Table 1). In this situation, other
"single-minded" old age groups, working to modify existing state
aid legislation, have developed to absorb the membership which might
earlier have gone to the Townsendites. It is in this context that the
Townsend Organization has been transformed.
The Tendency to Deflection. Townsend leaders have attempted to
cope with the challenge to their social base. In the process, they have
been constrained to direct action in ways deflecting the Organization from
its central mission.
The first indication of this tendency came in early 1940 when California
Town-sendites were urged to aid in qualifying an initiative readjusting
state aid legislation. While the campaign was brief and the initiative was
not qualified, the event is noteworthy since before this time national
leaders had actively campaigned against any proposal at the state level.
Further, they had always carefully disassociated themselves from state
"aid" proposals. The "pension," on a national level and
not involving indigence requirements, was the proper Townsend goal.
Leadership purposes in supporting this proposal are not far to seek.
Urging his
lieutenants to support the measure, the California leader said:
"Even if we should fail [to qualify it], it is believed we can secure
enough publicity and good will to justify the effort. We think we can
enlist many to join our ranks as a result of this campaign."
In 1943, California Townsendites entered a full-blown campaign for state
old age pensions. The nature of this measure permitted it to be presented
by both national and state leaders as a "first step" toward the
national Townsend Plan. Thus, while only a state-wide proposal with a
dollar demand geared to existing state aid legislation (60 dollars was
asked), both the "compulsory spending" and "cease work"
features of the national Plan were intact. Further, indigence requirements
were absent, meaning effectively the end of a state "aid" program
and the institution of "pensions" if the measure passed.
The initiative was qualified and placed before the voters in November
1944. It was defeated by over a million votes.
By 1947 membership was at a new low, recruitment at a dead halt, and
George McLain’s old age pressure-group successfully competing for the
allegiance of the California aged. Aware of the challenge, the California
leader proposed a new local effort to national headquarters by saying:
[Even] Dr. Townsend [who is generally opposed to local efforts] has
consistently said that "we must put on an initiative in
California … even if we know we will fail before we start.
…" [This] for the reason that GM [George McLain] has announced
that he, too, is going to sponsor a constitutional amendment proposing
practically the same objectives. … If we fail to present … [a
local] program, it is only natural that a large number of our own members
will be inclined to support him in his efforts. … Many people have
lost hope and interest in any national program becoming a reality in the
near future.
By no stretch of the imagination could the new measure proposed by state
leaders be identified as a "little Townsend Plan." First, unlike
the 1943–1944 proposal, it was specifically drawn within the
framework of existing state legislation for old age assistance and
indigence requirements were present. Second, both the all-important
"compulsory spending" and "cease work" provisions of
the Plan were absent. Townsend propaganda could no longer claim that their
measure would effect any significant change in the economic structure.
National leaders at first opposed making a new localized proposal on the
grounds that another defeat would do the Movement’s national position
no good. In August 1947, conceding to California’s pressures, they
suggested that campaign funds should be raised outside the
Organization. As late as October 1947, in the midst of efforts to raise
money in California for the promotion of the initiative, national leaders
carried out two mass meetings in the state to collect funds for national
headquarters over the unanswered objections of the California leader.
By June 1948 it was clear that Townsendites had not qualified their
initiative, but that McLain had qualified his. State leaders remained as
silent as possible in the face of this proposal with "practically the
same objectives" and tried to refocus membership attention on national
The passage of McLain’s constitutional amendment at the polls was
quickly followed by a move for repeal. When the repeal initiative
qualified, California Townsend leaders faced a serious dilemma. They could
not support repeal, for the advantages brought to the aged by McLain’s
amendment were patent—e.g., a raise
in monthly grant, the end of "relative’s responsibility." Nor could
they fight repeal, lest an issue now entirely identified with McLain absorb all
their membership’s attention and funds. To meet the situation, California leaders
tried to straddle the fence by proposing measures to the legislature to supplant
McLain’s. National leadership, on the other hand, insisted that the Townsend
Organization stay clear of the battle, on the belated grounds that it was for national, not state, pensions. In July 1949, with a repeal measure on the ballot, the California leader wrote the following to national headquarters:
We [California leaders] thought that [some anti-repeal statement] was
necessary as many of our members are supporting McLain financially and
attending his meetings, to do what they can to hold the gains they have
received. … [Now, in view of your position] … it seems all we
can do is drift; let McLain get the money and our members and let things
take their course and keep trying to focus attention on the Washington, D.
C. work.
As late as 1953, the crisis continued. Too weak to promote state
legislation directly, state leadership fluctuated between "preserving
gains" made by others, "preventing setbacks," all within the
framework of state aid legislation, and focusing attention on national
issues. But now, for state leaders, the national issue, above all, is
simply success. Late in 1952 the California leader wrote:
I realize that we have always felt that it was necessary to stick to our
"full program," but if the Republicans will not now accept it
"in full," it seems to me that we should try to take the lead
with a bill they will accept and get something during the next
session. … I feel that if we don’t do something along this line,
we can expect McLain to capitalize on the situation and we will lose more
and more of our few supporters.
What we have seen here is a tendency to deflection from central aims on
the part of Townsend leaders. At the national level, this tendency has been
largely checked through a clearer appreciation of the "drift of
things" by national leaders themselves. For this drift could only
eventuate in the break-up of the national Organization. At the state level,
leaders have tended to exchange identity for security in their search for a
viable mission. But here, the pressure from national leadership, plus the
successful capturing of vital issues by competing groups, have served to
hold state leaders within the Organization and to the Townsend mission.
The Tendency to Salesmanship. Loss of mass support has brought
increasing financial difficulty to the Townsend Organization. Adaptation to
this circumstance has transformed Townsend leader-follower relations in
such a way as to make recruit interest in the Townsend mission increasingly
Aside from advertising in the Townsend National Weekly, early
Townsend income came largely from the small contributions of individual
members. Propaganda materials were sold in large quantities, and royalties
accrued from such items as Townsend auto-stickers, buttons, and
license-plate holders. It is to be noted that all of these devices
assume commitment on the part of contributors to the Townsend
Organization and its mission.
By 1939, however, members were being urged to purchase consumable
items bearing the Townsend name. This year saw a Townsend candy bar, then
"Townsend Old Fashioned Horehound Drops." In 1940, a Townsend
coffee was announced. A little later a "Townsend Club Toilet
Soap" and a "Townsend Club Granulated Soap" appeared. In all
of these enterprises the Organization merely lent its name; funds, if
received, accrued from royalties. The change from auto-stickers, etc., was
small but significant because purchase of these new items did not assume commitment
to the Organization or its Plan. Townsendites were urged to ask for these items
at their usual shopping places, thus, to encourage store owners to stock them.
The Organization had yet to become a distributor itself. This was to come.
Beginning in 1943, a series of health foods was offered to members. Of
these, "Dr. Townsend’s Vitamins and Minerals" soon became the
major item. At first distributed only from national headquarters, by 1951
state offices had become distribution points, and Club members were selling
pills on commission. In this year, the pills provided one-fifth of the
total national income. Intra-organizational communications of all kinds
reveal in this period a striking shift from programmatic matters to concern
with promoting this product. Perhaps even more significant for the long
run, advertising of the pills has come to leave the Organization and its
Plan unmentioned. The most elaborate piece yet prepared (1953) is simply
titled "Vitamins and Minerals by Francis E. Townsend, M.D." Its
message is entirely one of "health" and "price."
Headquarters for the pills is identified as "Dr. Townsend’s
Vitamins and Minerals" rather than the earlier "Townsend Plan,
Inc." Besides this, national radio advertising has been considered,
and discussions of this matter have placed promotion of the Plan aside.
This type of money-raising activity is to be clearly differentiated from
that of earlier days. Townsend leaders have come to purvey items whose
purchase assumes no commitment to the Townsend mission. The pills,
especially, are amenable for presentation to others, once to be seen as
potential Townsendites, without invoking any discussion of the
Organization and its aims.
The transformation of leadership activities from the presentation of a
program to the purveying of products can be traced in the present approach
to recruitment as well. In May 1952, discussing a proposal to offer a 50
per cent commission to members who brought in new recruits, Dr. Townsend
We have innumerable people in our clubs who can be taught to sell.
Let’s push them into learning by making it necessary to do so if they
wish to remain members of a club. After they have learned what to
do, I believe they will continue to do—with a fifty per cent bait as
In October of the same year, national headquarters distributed a
"training manual" designed to "double the readership of
Townsend National Weekly and the membership of each Townsend
club." The striking quality of this "manual" is that it
makes clear that Townsend leaders no longer even seek active support at
large. The issue has become simply support in itself. Members are
Many big business organizations give their salesmen sales manuals
written from long experience in the technique of winning friends to a
product. We’ve done the same for you. … Whether you’re
building a model boat or being a BUSY BEE, tools and technique are the
secret of success.
How to extract the "cost" in manageable installments is
outlined; little is said about the urgency or value of the mission at hand.
The total impression received is that the best salesman is he who receives
money with the least pain to the customer. And this is no doubt correct.
For Townsend leaders no longer seek "converts" so much as
The Tendency to "Pure" Recreation. Membership activity
at the level of the Clubs provides a final example of the transformation of
the Townsend Organization.
Townsend Club "business meetings" are remarkably similar in
both form and content. Similarity of form has been encouraged by the
various Townsend Club Manuals, each containing a procedural outline,
plus local leadership unpracticed in organizational ways. Whatever
variation is found in content is largely accounted for by the make-up of
the Club membership. Clubs with a preponderance of highly religious members
substitute "sings" for card playing. Aside from formalities, Club
meetings are given to discussion of plans for social activities such as are
discussed below. The usual meeting is attended by less than fifteen
persons, lasts a half an hour, and is adjourned. But no one leaves. More
likely than not, five or ten more people enter. Card tables are set up, and
what seems to the writer to be the "real" business of the evening
begins: recreation. This latter may last for several hours.
This pattern may even be formalized. Examination of Club minutes often
revealed that at some time in the past a motion had carried to limit the
"business meeting" to an hour or less. Not all members agree that
this is the proper order of things. Almost every Club has its "vocal
Townsendite," a member always ready to take the floor and present the
Organizational mission. Precisely toward these members such motions had
been directed. The "vocal Townsendite," once perhaps a Club
president, had become an outcast in his own Club. If in any executive role,
he can ordinarily be found on the membership committee—a position
nobody seemed to want, for obvious reasons. And even here he may remain
under fire: many members feel that the membership committees misrepresent
Club aims by "selling the Plan too hard," i.e., presenting
its realization as imminent ("even now").
Not only are membership social activities built right into Club
meetings, but some Clubs have additional "pot-luck nights" or
"weekly dances" specifically designed to attract non-members.
These activities would seem to furnish ideal occasions for recruitment and
the distribution of Townsend propaganda. The evidence in hand suggests that
once they did, but no more. Several Club leaders informed the writer that
propagandizing would only lower participation, thus reduce sorely needed
funds. As public interest in the Plan has flagged, there has been a related
change in the nature of Townsend social activities. They have become from
the viewpoint of Townsend Club leaders purely fund-raising devices. In turn
these activities have become, from the viewpoint of non-member
participants, purely social.
The "vocal Townsendite" may object to this. In one Los Angeles
Club a member insisted that the Townsend National Weekly be sold at
social events and recruiting attempts made. This same member, then Club
president, was the occasion of so much dissension in Club ranks that he was
not re-elected—which is unusual in Club histories. The next (and
1953) president, while mildly unhappy that many who attend Club social
functions "don’t know what we stand for," seems more
distressed by any falling-off of attendance at these affairs. Further, he
regards social groups (e.g., public park dance clubs) as his
"most serious competition," not the McLain Organization.
This phenomenon is not far different from that of the Townsend pills.
The object of these affairs, as with the pills, is to raise money. This is
best done, now, on a "business" basis. The business at hand, in
this instance is providing recreation. And to this business local Townsend
leaders apply themselves.
In the ascendant phases, when social forces press for reconstruction and
changes are still in the offing, the concern of leaders and members of
social movements alike is with those things that must be done to translate
discontent into effective and concerted action. An evident condition of
this orientation is discontent itself. In turn, this discontent must be
supplied or renewed by social forces which, it must be believed, can be
ameliorated by banding together. These provide the dynamic of
value-oriented social movements, as well as the characteristic missions
with which their organized arms become identified.
When the movements themselves lose impetus through a shift in the
constellation of social forces, their organized arms are deprived of
conditions necessary to sustain them in their original form. But
organizations are not necessarily dissolved by the abatement of the forces
initially conjoining to produce them. They may gain a certain degree of
autonomy from their bases and continue to exist. We will expect, however,
that the abatement of the particular constellation of social forces giving
rise to the movement will have important consequences for the remaining
structure. The most general of these is, perhaps, increasing lack of public
concern for the organizational mission. This is reflected in the ending of
public discussion of the issues which the organization represents or,
perhaps better put, with these issues in the frame of reference that they
are placed by organizational representatives. Within the organization, the
abatement of social forces spells dropping membership and, more serious in
the long run, the end of effective recruitment. This latter may be
reinforced by the development of alternative organizational structures
competing for the same potential membership. The end of recruitment is
quickly transformed into financial difficulty. Where the organization has
been geared to financial support from its own adherents, this last
consequence will be especially crucial.
The organized arms of dec lining social movements will tend to adapt to
these changed conditions in characteristic ways. We can broadly describe
this adaptation by asserting that the dominating orientation of leaders and
members shifts from the implementation of the values the organization is
taken to represent (by leaders, members, and public alike), to
maintaining the organizational structure as such, even at the loss of
the organization’s central mission. To this end, leaders will be
constrained to direct action toward new issues or in new ways which will
attenuate the organization’s identification with the particular set of
aims held to be central to it. In this process, the locus of
issue-selection will tend to move outside the organization, to alternative
leaderships who highlight the growing irrelevance to most of the
traditional central mission. Presumably, a new mission may be found. Where
this is not the case, leaders will be forced to search out new means of
financing as the traditional mode of appeal and reap falls on fewer and
dealer ears. In this process, members, and especially potential members,
will cease to be regarded as "converts" and will come to be seen
as "customers." Finally, membership activities, initiated in a
context of declining public interest to support a faltering organization,
will work to turn what were once the incidental rewards of participation to
its only meaning. This last, by altering the basis for whatever recruitment
may take place, would seem to insure that the organization, if it continues
to exist, will be changed from a value-implementing agency to a recreation
facility. In sum, the organizational character will stand transformed.
1 From , 1955, 20:3–10. By permission.
2 "Value-oriented social
movements" is a phrasing suggested to the writer by Ralph H. Turner.
It refers to social movements fundamentally oriented toward rendering some
change in the social structure and of sufficient force to develop