
1600.     Congressional findings.

1601.     Renewable Resource Assessment.

(a)     Preparation by Secretary of Agriculture; time of preparation, updating and contents.

(b)     Omitted.

(c)     Contents of Assessments.

(d)     Public involvement; consultation with governmental departments and agencies.

(d)     Congressional policy of multiple use sustained yield management; examination and certification of lands; estimate of appropriations necessary for reforestation and other treatment; budget requirements; authorization of appropriations.

(e)     Report on herbicides and pesticides.

1602.     Renewable Resource Program; preparation by Secretary of Agriculture and transmittal to President; purpose and development of program; time of preparation, updating and contents.

1603.     National Forest System resource inventories; development, maintenance, and updating by Secretary of Agriculture as part of Assessment.

1604.     National Forest System land and resource management plans.

(a)     Development, maintenance, and revision by Secretary of Agriculture as part of program; coordination.

(b)     Criteria.

(c)     Incorporation of standards and guidelines by Secretary; time of completion; progress reports; existing management plans.

(d)     Public participation in management plans; availability of plans; public meetings.

(e)     Required assurances.

(f)     Required provisions.

(g)     Promulgation of regulations for development and revision of plans; environmental considerations; resource management guidelines; guidelines for land management plans.

(h)     Scientific committee to aid in promulgation of regulations; termination; revision committees; clerical and technical assistance; compensation of committee members.

(i)     Consistency of resource plans, permits, contracts, and other instruments with land management plans; revision.

(j)     Effective date of land management plans and revisions.

(k)     Development of land management plans.

(l)     Program evaluation; process for estimating long-term costs and benefits; summary of data included in annual report.

(m)     Establishment of standards to ensure culmination of mean annual increment of growth; silvicultural practices; salvage harvesting; exceptions.

1605.     Protection, use and management of renewable resources on non-Federal lands; utilization of Assessment, surveys and Program by Secretary of Agriculture to assist States, etc.

1606.     Budget requests by President for Forest Service activities.

(a)     Transmittal to Speaker of House and President of Senate of Assessment, Program and Statement of Policy used in framing requests; time for transmittal; implementation by President of programs established under Statement of Policy unless Statement subsequently disapproved by Congress; time for disapproval.

(b)     Contents of requests to show extent of compliance of projected programs and policies with policies approved by Congress; requests not conforming to approved policies; expenditure of appropriations.

(c)     Annual evaluation report to Congress of Program components; time of submission; status of major research programs; application of findings; status, etc., of cooperative forestry assistance programs and activities.

(d)     Required contents of annual evaluation report.

(e)     Additional required contents of annual evaluation report.

(f)     Form of annual evaluation report.

1606a.     Reforestation Trust Fund.

(a)     Establishment; source of funds.

(b)     Transfer of certain tariff receipts to Trust Fund; fiscal year limitation; quarterly transfers; adjustment of estimates.

(c)     Report to Congress; printing as House and Senate document; investments; sale and redemption of obligations; credits for Trust Fund.

(d)     Obligations from Trust Fund.

1607.     National Forest System renewable resources; development and administration by Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with multiple use and sustained yield concepts for products and services; target year for operational posture of resources; budget requests.

1608.     National Forest Transportation System.

(a)     Congressional declaration of policy; time for development; method of financing; financing of forest development roads.

(b)     Construction of temporary roadways in connection with timber contracts, and other permits or leases.

(c)     Standards of roadway construction.

1609.     National Forest System.

(a)     Congressional declaration of constituent elements and purposes; lands etc., included within; return of lands to public domain.

(b)     Location of Forest Service offices.

1610.     Implementation of provisions by Secretary of Agriculture; utilization of information and data of other organizations; avoidance of duplication of planning, etc.; "renewable resources" defined.

1611.     Timber.

(a)     Limitations on removal; variations in allowable sale quantity; public participation.

(b)     Salvage harvesting.

1612.     Public participation.

(a)     Adequate notice and opportunity to comment.

(b)     Advisory boards.

1613.     Promulgation of regulations.

1614.     Severability.


1641.     Findings and purpose.

(a)     Findings.

(b)     Relationship to other law.

(c)     Purpose.

1642.     Investigations, experiments, tests, and other activities.

(a)     Authorization; scope and purposes of activities.

(b)     Development of periodic Renewable Resource Assessment through survey and analysis of conditions; implementation; authorization of appropriations.

(c)     Program of research and study relative to health and productivity of domestic forest ecosystems; advisory committee; reports.

(d)     High priority forestry and rangeland research and education.

(e)     Forest inventory and analysis.

1643.     Implementation of provisions.

(a)     Establishment and maintenance of research facilities; acquisition, expenditures, etc., for property.

(b)     Acceptance, holding, and administration of gifts, donations, and bequests; use and investment of gifts, proceeds, etc.; funding requirements.

(c)     Cooperation with international, Federal, State, and other governmental agencies, public and private agencies, etc.; funding requirements for contributions from cooperators.

1644.     Forestry and rangeland competitive research grants.

(a)     Competitive grant authority.

(b)     Emphasis on certain high priority forestry research.

(c)     Emphasis on certain high priority rangeland research.

(d)     Priorities.

1645.     General provisions.

(a)     Availability of funds to cooperators and grantees.

(b)     Coordination of cooperative aid and grants with other aid and grant authorities.

(c)     Dissemination of knowledge and technology developed from research activities; cooperation with specified entities.

(d)     Additional implementative authorities.

(e)     Construction of statutory provisions.

(f)     Definitions.

1646.     Authorization of appropriations.

1647.     Other Federal programs.

(a)     Repeal of statutory authorities relating to investigation, experiments, and tests in reforestation and forest products.

(b)     Force and effect of cooperative and other agreements under repealed statutory authorities relating to investigation, etc., in reforestation and forest products.

(c)     Issuance of rules and regulations for implementation of provisions and coordination with agricultural research, extension, and teaching provisions.

(d)     Availability of funds appropriated under repealed statutory authorities relating to investigation, etc., in reforestation and forest products.

1648.     Recycling research.

(a)     Findings.

(b)     Recycling research program.

(c)     Authorization of appropriations.

1649.     Forestry Student Grant Program.

(a)     Establishment.

(b)     Student grants.

(c)     Eligibility.

(d)     Authorization of appropriations.

1650.     Hardwood technology transfer and applied research.

(a)     Authority of Secretary.

(b)     Grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements; gifts and donations.

(c)     Use of assets of Wood Education and Resource Center; establishment of Institute of Hardwood Technology Transfer and Applied Research.

(d)     Generation of revenue; deposit into Hardwood Technology Transfer and Applied Research Fund.

(e)     Authorization of appropriations.


1671.     Congressional statement of findings.

1672.     General program authorization.

(a)     Types of programs; preconditions and cooperation with State program directors, etc.

(b)     "Eligible colleges and universities" defined.

(c)     Use of appropriate educational methods required; scope of methods.

1673.     State programs.

(a)     Development by State program director, etc., of comprehensive and coordinated program by mutual agreement; consultations; review procedure.

(b)     Encouragement by State director, etc., of cooperation between county and State extension staffs and appropriate Federal and State agencies and organizations.

(c)     Administration and coordination of program by State director; exception.

(d)     Appointment and use of advisory committees by State director, etc.; composition of advisory committees.

(e)     "State" defined.

1674.     Renewable Resources Extension Program plan.

(a)     Preparation and submission to Congress; purposes; contents.

(b)     Considerations governing preparation.

(c)     Omitted.

(d)     Review of activities and evaluation of progress.

1674a.     Expanded programs.

(a)     In general.

(b)     Activities.

1675.     Authorization of appropriations; criteria for eligibility of States for funds.

1676.     Issuance of rules and regulations for implementation of provisions and coordination with agricultural, research, extension, and teaching provisions.


1681.     Congressional statement of purpose.

1682.     Pilot projects and demonstrations.

(a)     Establishment, implementation.

(b)     Scope; residue removal credits.

1683.     Pilot projects; requirements; residue removal credits as compensation; implementation guidelines.

1684.     Annual reports.

1685.     Regulations.

1686.     Definitions.

1687.     Authorization of appropriations.

Chapter Referred to in Other Sections

     This chapter is referred to in section 472a of this title.