Take water from nine watering troughs, earth from the graves of nine children, straw from the corners of nine thatched roofs, nine old stumps of cabbage, and nine spindles. Cook into a concoction and bathe the child, saying: "Not one, not two, not three . . . not nine," but very softly. Then roll the child over nine children’s graves and let it jump over a dog.1

Now this kind of medical practice evidently represents not at all the mental ability of its practitioners. "It represents a cultural lag due to lack of communication. Peasant boys from these communities occasionally make their way to medical centers (Vienna, Berlin) and become "scientists" as readily as American farm boys under the same conditions.

1Hovorka, O., n/an/an/an/an/a and A.n/aKronfeld, n/an/an/an/a 2: 47.