World History


The Annals of St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate, London.

Page 100.

At a vestry kept by the parishioners of St. Helen’s, upon Sunday, the second day of October, A.D. 1558.

Imprimis. It is ordained that a book of paper be prepared wherein all orders concluded at any vestry may be entered and put in writing.

Item. That the youngest churchwarden for time being shall be bound to enter or cause to be entered the said orders in the said books within xiv days after, upon pain of Vs.

Item. That the said parishioners shall yearly assemble together upon the Sunday next after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel,1 to elect, and choose the churchwardens for the year following, the said assembly to be duly called by the churchwardens upon the pain of Vs.

Item. That the old churchwardens shall make yearly a good and perfect account of their office before the said parishioners upon Sunday next after the feast of All Saints, upon pain to forfeit and pay the sum [of] 3s. 4d. if he have no lawful excuse. And any Sunday after as much until they have made their said account. The said sum or sums of money to be levied to the use of the said parish church.

Item. That if any parishioner of the said parish be duly warned by the churchwardens to come to any vestry to be kept by the said parishioners, and do make default, that then he or they, having no good lawful excuse, shall forfeit for any such default the sum of 2d. to the use of the parish.

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[May 4, 1561.] Thomes Odyll and George Lodge are elected to be collectors for the poor people for this year following.

[Dec. 21, 1561.] This day were chosen common officers for the year following, viz.: Thos. Colshill for the Common Council; Richard Kirke and Edmund

Stone for the Wardmote Quest;1 John Edwards, constable; George Gray, scavenger; Kylbye, beadle. [Sexton, parish clerk, churchwarden, conductor of choir, clock-keeper and washer of the church linen chosen by previous vestry.]

Page 104.

[March 20, 1565.] Item. It is agreed that the curate shall forthwith make a perfect book of all the names of the householders of this parish with their wife, children, and servant, viz., such as be of the age of 16 years or above, and the same book or a true copy thereof to be delivered to the said Mr. Colshill and Mr. Saunders [churchwardens].

Page 108.

1678. Nov. 11. Mr. Hesketh chosen Minister,2 having 18 votes out of 21.

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1689. Dec. 6. Mr. Hesketh’s letter being read, it was agreed for a subscription and every one to subscribe whereby a competent sum may be raised for a subsistence for him, that he may be induced to preach constantly and remain vicar of the parish of St. Helen’s.

Page 111.

1694. May 24. . . . That the [fire] engine be brought into the church, and the old engine-house be pulled down for the better accommodation in burying the dead.

Page 122.

1702. April 7. Mr. Aylward, elected churchwarden, excused [from] all offices on paying the fine of £30, the question having been put whether it should be £25 or £30.

April 10. Mr. Crispe elected; excused on the same conditions.

Page 129.

1708. May 5. . . . [Ordered] that the churchwardens do enquire of the town clerk concerning agreement made by the proprietors in the Thames water for their supplying fire-cocks with their water, for public benefit, gratis.

Sept. 14. The great [fire] engine ordered to be repaired.

Page 143.

1732. March 10. A request being made by Mr. Nath. Gould, a parishioner, that this vestry would grant to him and his family the liberty of sitting in the uppermost pew on the left hand of the middle aisle next the communion table: it was resolved that permission be granted during the pleasure of the parish, but when the said N. Gould or his family shall not be at church, then the said pew shall be filled at the discretion of the churchwardens for the time being.

Page. 149.

1739. Feb. 9. A motion being made whether the women had a right to vote for a parish clerk or not, and debates arising thereon, this vestry was dissolved.

1I. e., Michaelmas, September 29th.

1 A wardmote quest was the same as a wardmote inquest or a wardmote court—i. e., a court held in every ward in the city of London.

2 This method of naming the clergyman was not general.