Assyrian Correspondence.

From Baked Clay Tablets in the National Collection.
Translated by Theo. G. Pinches.

To the king my lord, thy servant Arad-Nana. May there be peace for ever and ever to the king my lord. May the god Ninep and the goddess Gula give soundness of heart and soundness of flesh to the king my lord. Peace forever.

To reduce the general inflammation of the forehead, I have tied a bandage upon it. His face is swollen. Yesterday, as formerly, I opened the wound which had been received in the midst of it. As for the bandage which was over the swelling, matter was upon the bandage, the size of the tip of the little finger. Thy gods, if the whole of the flesh of his body they can restore unto him, cause thou to invoke, and his mouth will cry: "Peace forever. May the heart of the king my lord be good."

He will live seven or eight days.