
Samson Elected Abbot


Dennis, speaking as one for all, began to commend the persons of the prior and Samson. He said that they were both learned men, both good, both praiseworthy in their lives and of unblemished reputation. But ever at the climax of his speech he put forward Samson, multiplying words in his praise, saying that he was a man strict in his conduct, stern in correcting faults, apt for labor, prudent in temporal matters, and experienced in various positions.

Then the bishop of Winchester answered, "We know well what you would say; from your words we gather that your prior has appeared to you to be somewhat slack, and that you wish to have him who is called Samson." Dennis answered, "Both of them are good men, but we desire to have the better, if God wills." Thereupon the bishop said, "Of two good things, the greater good should be selected. Say openly, do you desire to have Samson?" And many, and they a majority, answered plainly, "We wish to have Samson," and none spoke against him. Some, however, were silent from caution, wishing to offend neither candidate.

Then Samson was nominated in the presence of the king, and when the king had consulted with his men for a while, all were summoned before him. And the king said, "You have presented to me Samson. I know him not. If you had presented your prior to me, I would have accepted him, for I have known him. But I will only do what you will. Take heed to yourselves; by the true eyes of God, if you do ill, I will exact a recompense at your hands."

Then he asked the prior if he assented to the choice and wished it, and the prior answered that he did wish it and that Samson was worthy of much greater honor. Therefore Samson was elected, and fell at the king’s feet and embraced them. Then he arose quickly and hastened to the altar, with his head erect and without changing his expression, chanting the Miserere mei, Deus with the brothers.

And when the king saw this, he said to those that stood by, "By the eyes of God, this man thinks that he is worthy to rule the abbey."

1 , pp. 34–36.