"Ideas on Bridging the Divide" Talking Points, United Nations Security Council, February 2003 (The Canadian Government)
Iraq Memorandum, 24 February 2003 ("France, Russia, and Germany")
"One Final Chance for Iraq," Speech to the House of Commons, 25 February 2003 (Tony Blair)
Iraq Declaration [By Russia, Germany, and France], 5 March 2003 ("Russia, Germany, France")
Draft Resolution to United Nations Security Council, 7 March 2003 ("Spain, U.K., U.S.")
Twelfth Quarterly Report of Unmovic to United Nations Security Council, 7 March 2003 (Hans Blix)
"The Status of Nuclear Inspections in Iraq: An Update," Statement to the United Nations Security Council, 7 March 2003 (Mohamed ElBaradei)
Speech to the House of Commons, March 18, 2003 (Robin Cook)
Address to United Nations Security Council, 19 March 2003 (Dominique de Villepin)
Statement to United Nations Security Council, 19 March 2003 (Joschka Fischer)
"Introduction of Draft Unmovic Work Programme," Report to the United Nations Security Council, 19 March 2003 (Hans Blix)
Draft Side Statement of Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America ("Spain, U.K., U.S.")
Military Operations in Iraq, Statement [Of the French President], Magazine De L’Actualité Présidentielle (Jacques Chirac)
Statement on Iraqi Antiquities, Science ("Lord Renfrew, et al.")