
 On the Foote Resolution (1830) (Robert Young Hayne)

 I the First Bunker Hill Monument Oration (1825) (Daniel Webster)

 II in Reply to Hayne (1830) (Daniel Webster)

 III the Clay Compromise (1850) (Daniel Webster)

 I the Emancipation of South America (1818) (Henry Clay)

 II Clay#8217;s Attack on Jackson (1834) (Henry Clay)

 III on His Own Compromise Measures (1850) (Henry Clay)

 I the Expunging Resolution (1837) (John C. Calhoun)

 II the Clay Compromise Measures (1850) (John C. Calhoun)

 On the Mexican War (1847) (Thomas Corwin)

 The South and the Public Domain (1850) (Alexander H. Stephens)

 His Welcome to Kossuth (1851) (William Cullen Bryant)

 His Eulogy of Webster (1853) (Rufus Choate)

 The Crime Against Kansas (1856) (Charles Sumner)

 In Defense of His Attack on Sumner (1856) (Preston S. Brooks)

 His "Irrepressible Conflict" Speech (1858) (William H. Seward)

 His Speech to the Court at His Trial (1859) (John Brown)

 On the Death of John Brown (1859) (William Lloyd Garrison)

 Yancey#8217;s Speech of Protest in the Charleston Convention (1860) (William Lowndes Yancey)

 On Withdrawing from the Union (1861) (Jefferson Davis)

 Toombs on Resigning from the Senate (1861) (Robert Toombs)

 I the "House Divided Against Itself" Speech (1858) (Abraham Lincoln)

 II on the First Debate With Douglas (1858) (Abraham Lincoln)

 III His Farewell Words in Springfield (1861) (Abraham Lincoln)

 IV the First Inaugural Address (1861) (Abraham Lincoln)

 V the Speech at Gettysburg (1863) (Abraham Lincoln)

 VI the Second Inaugural Address (1865) (Abraham Lincoln)

 In the First Debate With Lincoln (1858) (Stephen A. Douglas)